What’s the difference between “Blame” V’s “Route Cause”? – “I QUIT!!!”
Steven Wardell
|| Quality | Lean Samurai ?? | Problem Solver | Process Improvement | Quality Management Systems | Auditor | Mentor | Leader | Published Author ||
I have been asked many times whether the term “Route Cause” is just a posh way of renaming “Blame”?
Obviously, I can understand where this question has come from and why it has been asked. So, I have decided that the time has arrived for me to answer this popular question; hoping to spark debate.
“Blame” is the easiest and quickest way to paper over the cracks. Historically used in places where “Route Cause Analysis” is seen as unnecessary, extra work used by those who are too soft to stand in a boardroom, thumping a desk to a cowering audience.
Those of us who shun “Blame” and have a bitter distaste for the breeding of such a culture, prefer to use the “Route Cause Analysis Tools” in order to provide confidence that a repeat occurrence has a very low likelihood.
It has been proven that by using these Quality Driven Tools; that getting to the “Route Cause” and getting it “Right First Time” removes any future conflicts:
· Employees don’t drive to work every day expecting yet another day of verbal beatings;
· Customers understand that the business is serious about what it is doing;
· Confidence is shared by internal and external stakeholders;
· An Open and Honest Culture is created to nurture harmony.
Therefore, “Blame” is used as a bashing finger pointer and offers ZERO improvement.
Whereas, “Route Cause” uses Quality Tools to find where the occurrence truly began and offers 100% improvement.
Oh, and on many occasion, the “Route Cause” has simply been a missing process, an out-dated process, or working outside process.
Thank you for reading my post.
Root not route?