What’s the Deal with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)?
Discover How the GDPR Applies to Writers Outside the European Union
I don’t think anyone fully understands the practical implications of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) for the European Union. This post explores the GDPR as it relates to writers. (Reminder: I’m not a lawyer, and this isn’t legal advice; this is my opinion and understanding.)
As it applies to writers, the GDPR affects us if we have people from the European Union on our mailing list or maybe even if they visit our website.
Some people outside of Europe are choosing to remove all European subscribers from their mailing list, and others are deciding to ignore the law. Both are extreme responses... Read more>>
Peter DeHaan is an author, publisher, and editor. He gives back to the writing community through this blog. Get insider info from his monthly newsletter. Sign up today!