What's that crane for? New feature maps development in Miami
Digging through development applications, monitoring county records and dealing with PR agents (the toughest part of all), I've found more than 50 development projects in downtown Miami and Brickell.
These projects, both under construction and proposed, have been mapped out in the new Crane Watch feature at the South Florida Business Journal: https://bizj.us/1lz4l0
Click on a dot in the map and you'll lean what the project is, who's building it, and more. This should prove useful to city residents who want to know what's proposed around them and how it would impact their lives. For business professionals, it should be a great source of leads. I'm already anticipating calls: "Do you know who represents the company building so and so?"
Crane Watch will be a continuously updated feature, so check back every so often to hunt for new projects.
The Business Journal families of papers is rolling out Crane Watch in many of our markets across the country. The Miami Crane Watch is the first in South Florida and, hopefully, there will be more and the boundaries on the map will be expanded.
I've got a lot more work to do first!