What’s The Cost of Your Leadership?
Precision Leadership LLC
Equipping Your Organization's Leaders With The Resources, Training, & Coaching Necessary To Elevate Performance & Growth
Your leadership may be costing you more than expected!
Nicholas, why me?
Out of everyone you could have gone to for help, why did you choose me?
With tears in his eyes, he replied,
“Because you are the only one I know who actually cares!â€
It was about 30 minutes prior to this moment that Nicholas approached me asking if we could talk privately; I was not ready for what he was about to tell me.
He expressed his plans to kill himself after work that day.
He was depressed and ready to end his life to escape the pain of living in this “hell holeâ€.
I was not his direct supervisor, but, just another leader in the shop.
This caught me off guard because Nicholas was not a sensitive person.
In fact…
He was a very strong-minded individual and almost nothing offended him or got under his skin.
When he explained to me the reason for the depression that led him to think suicide was his best option, I learned that his leaders had more influence in why he felt this way than they realized.
Although we all must individually take ownership of our emotions, this can become significantly more difficult depending on how we are treated, especially by those responsible for leading us.
In his situation
Nicholas was going through some serious personal problems which he had previously approached his supervisor about and was disregarded.
This upset him greatly as this was not a small matter.
He was seeking guidance and wanted to speak to a counselor who could help him mentally and emotionally process what he had been going through for the past two years.
He went to his supervisor’s boss and attempted to share his situation, but was rejected before even getting the chance to explain himself.
Situations like this had been happening to him for five years in the military but it was only in the past two years that he had fallen into a deep suicidal depression because of them, feeling like no one was willing to hear him, believe him, or help him.
After he shared this with me I immediately went to my supervisor and told him that, I’m taking my friend to the mental health facility to speak with a counselor.
I got no objections and I drove him there.
It was while we were sitting in the waiting room I asked him, “Nicholas, “why me?â€
It’s hard to think that I was oblivious to his situation for years and had no idea.
It’s even harder to think that his leaders disregarded him even when he attempted to open up with them multiple times.
They never gave him the chance to share his deep pain with them, they didn’t care to hear what he was going through.
Unfortunately, this was not the first time someone in the shop had approached me about wanting to commit suicide — due mainly because of their leaders' negative influence.
In fact…
Within my six years in the military, eight others have come to me expressing suicidal thoughts.
I only served six years!!!
And eight people that I knew personally wanted to die!!!
We weren’t deployed on the battlefield living in harsh environments, nor witnessing horrible things.
It was equivalent to having a job at a local mechanic shop or manufacturing plant.
So why were there so many people struggling with suicide in this shop?
According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, “The age-adjusted suicide rate in 2022 was 14.21 per 100,000 individualsâ€
The U.S. Department of Defense reported that “492 Service members died by suicide in 2022â€
These numbers are expected to increase over the next few years.
Everyone in America understands there is a mental health crisis going on.
- Leaders either don’t truly grasp the influence they have in this pandemic!
- They aren’t willing to do something good with their leadership influence!
- They simply don’t care!
- Or… They don't how to be more effective leaders!
In chapter 10 of my book “Facing Reality,†I teach the “7 Characteristics of The Most Valued Leadersâ€
Additionally, I teach how you can acquire what I call the greatest “Leadership Attributeâ€
These teachings are backed by data and experience.
If you’re a leader in any capacity…
“Facing Reality†will enhance your ability to influence, lead, and achieve significantly more results within your leadership and team.
Order your copy today: www.facingreality.pro/preorder
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Your Friend,
Cole A. Randall