What's coming, partners and news

What's coming, partners and news

Hi all, let's make it quick, coming in about a month, on 2024 May 29th, 11AM ET, online conference with Secpod , feel free to register (link on the image) :

Hack Proofing your Bank with continuous vulenrability and exposure management

A great share from Tom Goodwin (I don't know how he got so many followers !) today as well, about consumer market reality over nonsense hype stuff in tech : People enjoy bigger TVs, but that's about it !

No fix available, there is an i-message zero-click in the room : Beware! Zero-Click RCE Exploit For IMessage Circulating On Hacker Forums

Net neutrality has been restored and that's a great news ! Thanks to the FCC

Orenda Security shared about Global attacker median dwell time continues to fall

Upperity raised a flag about data governance challenge - Researchers Uncover That UK.GOV Websites Sending Data To Chinese Ad Vendor Analysts

VARS open the BBQ season with double dip - Ransomware Double-Dip: Re-Victimization in Cyber Extortion

And finally, Cyolo shared about Managing Access and Risk in the increasingly connected operational Technology (OT) Environment

Have a good day all, stay safe online !


