Why Are Christians Exalting Corona So Much?
Siloma Stephen
I help digital creatives master their craft and build impactful businesses.
Most Christians have now shown that they are indeed full of disbelief, preaching what it is written but practicing what fears are in their hearts.
Some Churches have closed and told their congregants to watch their sermons on YouTube. Others have gone to the extent of bringing in experts to explain to them what Corona is all about. But I thought Jesus was the expert?
Don't they know that there is a place called Goshen? Or wait, before I go too far, take for example what if your doctor told you that the skin rash you are having is so severe that he is consulting a witch doctor to educate you, what will be your thoughts?
There were pandemics in the Bible, did any of them require an expert seer or doctor to educate people more on what the pandemic was about? There were ten plagues in Egypt but the Israelites were in a place called Goshen where they were never affected by the locusts nor the boils that ate away the Egyptians.
A Christian preaching negativity and fear in times of infirmity is more of a gladiator running away from an army of termites. Bible verses such as, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” has sadly become another motivational quote, another meme on social media. We do not take heed when the Bible says "do not fear" over 300 times.
Jesus healed EVERY DISEASE and EVERY SICKNESS says Matthew 9:35. Actually, it goes on to say in Matthew 10:1 that He gave His disciples authority over EVERY DISEASE and EVERY SICKNESS. What part of "EVERY" don't most Christians understand?
Well, I do not think a lazy person can ever give me advice on how to be industrious and so is a weak soldier who gives me tips on how to fight a massive war. Stop sharing more information on what Corona is all about or tips on how to beat it. Rather replace those hotlines with prayer and 'FIRMLY BELIEVE' in the scriptures when they say that "Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers 'YOU' from them all." Remember "As He is so are you." Do not believe the word of God in partiality.