What's CentralTexas.com?
Howdy! If you're interested in a very rudimentary, raw, unformatted, un-sales optimized description of CentralTexas.com 's business, here it is:
- We offer everything that any local organizations (e.g. small businesses, micro businesses, churches, social organizations) need to run for free (website, team management, digital sigs, POS, restaurant tech, project management, e-commerce, ticket sales, appointment bookings, subscriptions / bundles, fundraisers, CRM). Basically, we want to eliminate all SaaS costs for organizations in our community. We've already built all of this (it was a crazy amount of work). We call it the Business Suite.
- Organizations use their own custom websites with their domain and custom branding and design. However, a big part of the magic is that whatever they sell or offer goes into centraltexas.com , a big marketplace where people can search for things sold / offered in Central Texas.?
- So, the organizations bring users to CentralTexas.com, then their customers are incentivized to create accounts so that it's more convenient to search and order there. It makes it easy to engage with all of these organizations in one spot.?
- We're just starting to have people search centraltexas.com for new stuff--stuff they didn't previously know about. This means that, in addition to saving $$$ by using our Business Suite, the orgs on the platform actually get more attention without paying for it in any?way (e.g. no additional time cost, no additional design / social media cost, no money spent on ads). Pretty powerful.
- We make cash lots of ways--transaction fees, loans, and ads (in the future).
- Potentially, this platform could be used in many markets, not just Central Texas (that's why our "parent company" is Squaredeal ). But, we love Central Texas and are all about this community right here.
Any questions? Ping me here on LinkedIn!