Whats caught the attention this week
Stephen Briscoe ACMI
Social Care Conversationalist & Owner of Valued Care Solutions
Haven't done one of these for a while so thought it a welcome additional to the final Friday in March.
Here's my 5 takeaways from this week’s learning, news, articles, and general information read this week, that you may enjoy or find interesting:
1) Nita Farahany: The Battle for your Brain - a Clear+Vivid with Alan Alda podcast (42 mins listen).
Really interesting conversation over the use of neurotechnology and the ability to read brain waves to support medical therapies. However, alongside the AI revolution at hand interesting to also get a perspective on the potential negative use by employers, governments, and others peering into your brain.
2) Your story needs to be told - Almena Hayes - TEDx talk (11 minute watch)
Extremely eloquent and powerful talk on telling your story your way. Not letting others overtake you and tell your story for you - great statement within the talk "We are not immortal, but your story is".
3) Museums are improving Life for People with Dementia - Reasons to be Cheerful article (7 min read)
Positive initiative from Museums Scotland on planning sessions tailored to the support of people with dementia. The reporting shows signs of alleviating depression, fostering connection and even lowering cortisol levels in people with dementia.
4) Andy Cope - Special K recovery - YouTube webinar (24 min watch)
Really interesting viewpoint this and something I have been relating to across the social care field during Covid recovery period. The focus used here by Andy can be used across all businesses as a simple and easy way to understand the current state of affairs in all walks of life for those 'flourishing' and those 'floundering'.
5) Finally, Quote of the week - from Salim Ismail's book 'Exponential Organisations'
“Today, if you’re not disrupting yourself, someone else is: your fate is to be either the disrupter or the disrupted. There is no middle ground.”
Thank you as always, welcome any comments or discussions on the above, and remember "With hope and belief there are no limitations”.
Have a good weekend all, Stephen.