Whats Bugging Steve? Resumes

Whats Bugging Steve? Resumes

Thinking of starting a new series What's Bugging Steve? Lord knows there will be no shortage of topics. I will refrain from anything political in these halls for that topic is probably best left for other avenues, despite what I once wrote and published last year.

On this inaugural edition of WBS? I want to rant about something that comes up in everyone's life at one point or another - their résumé.

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Raise your hand if you know why I chose this particular image when it comes to résumés. Ok, I know, I know everyone has their hand raised. At least they should because when it comes to résumés there is no such thing as a one size fits all.

I have always held true to the belief that you must customize - to some extent - your résumé based on the job you are going after. I know this sounds insanely obvious but what if I told you this was not even the single-biggest that bugs me when it comes to résumés?

The Eye of the Dreaded Beholder

Google the term "how many different types of résumés" and stand back for the deluge of hits. How many do you think there are?




Well I found one site which denotes SEVEN.

  1. Chronological
  2. Functional
  3. Combination
  4. Infographic
  5. Mini
  6. Profile
  7. Tailored

Yes kids, SEVEN different types of résumés and rest assured there are many more. Why we didn't even get to the video formats i.e. the latest craze sweeping the world, the TikTok resume.

Between my own career and helping and mentoring others I have worked on countless resumes and I am left with one indisputable and irrefutable fact: The résumé you submit for a given job has a high propensity for being discarded based solely on the fact that you selected the wrong format.

But hey, it's not your fault because how could you possibly know what a given hiring manager, HR rep, etc. like to see then they review résumés.

Enter the Rub

With all due respect to Bruce Lee, this is where the rub comes into play. What do I mean by "the rub?" Well if you are not familiar with that phrase it means the following: "said to mean that?there is a problem or contradiction which is difficult or impossible to deal with."

Difficult or impossible to deal with... catch that?

How many jobs have you ever applied for in which is included the preferred type of résumé?

In all my years on God's Green Earth I can honestly say I have NEVER seen such direction including in a job posting. Ever.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking. The some of you who are either in HR or who have served in the role of hiring manager for a given role... I know precisely what you're thinking.

You're thinking "But Steve, I never base a candidate's potential on the format of their résumé. That would be short-sighted on my part."

And to that I would reply 'Good on you then because you are in the minority; you do not base the legitimacy of a candidate on whether or not they went the functional or the chronological route. You take the time to look beyond the format.'

However, I know damn well there are many who DO go by first impressions ONLY and will eliminate a candidate based entirely on résumé format.

And if you happen to fall in that latter group all I can say is you bug me. You bug me because every single hire you make is a reflection on you; on your personal brand whether you want to admit it or not. And for you to base a decision on something so innocuous is something I simply cannot comprehend.

Thanks for your time.

Love to all,

Steve O

So Who Is This Steve?

Steve Olenski, or as he is known by his alter-ego,?The CMO Whisperer, is truly a unicorn - a very rare combination of real-world marketing/advertising experience combined with a journalistic side including stops at world-class publications such as Forbes, where he was a leading contributor for 10 years, among many other publications.

Above all else however, Steve is a conversationalist. He loves to engage in good old-fashioned conversations. Drop him a line via the link above and see for yourself.

My opinions are my own and do not reflect those of my employer.

Jacqueline A. P.

Acting Commissioner - West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services

3 年

So many possibilities! I am there for it. Will we be allowed comment/feedback?

Love this Steve, especially the photo - totally brings to life the frustration and angst!


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