What’s BOTs boss?

What’s BOTs boss?

I do not know when the bespectacled scientists and engineers started using the word, “Robot”. But the general public started knowing robots after the release of the first Star Wars movie back in the late 70’s. R2-D2 ans C-3PO became famous the world over. I do not want to put their pictures here and face legal battle from George Lucas. The “Won’t you take me to…. Funky Town…..” 1979 video song has the girl doing robotic moves. OMG.

There was a movie in the late seventies, where the scientist’s huge super computer starts developing sexual feelings towards the guy’s wife. Beautiful of course. It almost does it. Bad robot. Anybody remembers the movie title? I hear, “I wasn’t born then, you moron.” I’d send gift coffee cards to the first 10 folks out there, who can guess the number close to my age. (P.S. Employees of Chain-Sys group of companies, my relatives and friends cannot participate). Clue: The heroine is the same as that of Doctor Zhivago.

While the parents in Lansing, Michigan are busy shunting their children to Ice Hockey practice, parents in Chennai, Tamilnadu and Mumbai, Maharashtra are enrolling their children in courses that teach robotics. They send an electronics kit as part of the learning and have over the internet video coaching and lessons. Hmmmm…

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Today’s rovers over in Mars are all robots. So are the muscular ones lifting up the car doors and bringing them close to the body to be fastened by a real man with a power screw driver. You can see these in some car manufacturing videos. I didn’t say YouTube. The Alexa of Amazon, Siri of Apple and Google Assistant of Android can be put in “robots” bucket. Today you could walk into Best Buy, buy a few things and say, “Alexa, increase my fridge temperature” or “Alexa lock the main door”. Is Increase the fridge temperature the same as make the inside colder? Who cares.

When you let somebody do it for you, he is your butler. When you let something do it for you, she is your robot. Robot is a female, going by what Amazon and Apple think. Us, software companies were waiting for the first opportunity to ride on the Robot band wagon. Computers and software were always gunning after automation, replacing manual work. Probably accountants and makers of big ledger books were the first to loose their jobs. Software testers beware. You could be the next to face the axe. You thought you had a nice and comfortable permanent job collecting invoices and entering them as Supplier Invoices in your company’s ERP system. Consider shifting to another role within your company. Enter the robot. Or Enter the Dragon. How many of you saw the first theater release of that Bruce Lee movie?

Congrats !! You have read this far into this article. I assume you to be a smart girl. Let me come to the point. I was dying to communicate to you what ChainSys does in Robots and Automation.

Let loose the ChainSys Smart BOTS on your favorite ERP system. They’d do an excellent job of doing regression testing, especially with Cloud ERPs self upgrading every 3 months or so. WARNING: If you are our competitor, do not read any further. We provide recordings for the tests covering most modules. You do not need to record and make the BOT learn. We’ve already stuffed it with knowledge. The good part is load/performance testing doesn’t need that many desktops, laptops and operators. You can configure headless browsers in the ChainSys Cloud by the hundreds and run (attack) the screens. Where API’s don’t exist (read rough territory) and where feeding (bulk data or setup/configuration data) through the screens is the only hope, Smart BOTS are there to your rescue. You want to scan a supplier provided paper invoice and say you are done, you can. ‘Cause the BOTS take on the job of identifying the information gleaned from the paper sheet and enter it as a “Supplier Invoice” into your favorite ERP system. For us Oracle, SAP, Microsoft, Salesforce and many other are favorites. By hook or crook, our BOTS get your data in. Our Red BOTs are the test bots. Our blue BOTS are the load bots. We have some baggy eyed sleepy BOTs.

The only way you’d know if I’m pulling a fast one or not, is by asking us to dance (demo). I promise you that it won’t me who’d dance, but a pretty smart team member of mine or a BOT.


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