What's Better? Long Email Or Short Email?

What's Better? Long Email Or Short Email?

More and more, I get variations of this question:

"What is better? A long email OR a short email?"

To be more specific…

What can give you more engagement from your readers?

What can result to more opens and more clicks?

What can provide you with more sales for your product or service?

Let me share with you my personal opinion on this one…

…I prefer short emails.

One reason is that I know that most of my readers are kinda busy with their business. And asking them to read super long, drawn-out emails could be too much for them. I mean, if I can tell you what I wanted to say in a 300 words or less, then why not do it?

But I’m not saying that long emails doesn’t work, too…

As a general guideline, I’m always referring to this quote from Winston Churchill when writing my emails…

“A good speech should be like a woman’s skirt: long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest.”

(I don’t know exactly what’s going inside Churchill’s mind when he said that, but hope you get the point. Lol!)

Anyway, It’s the same thing with any good email copy.

It should be long enough to engage your readers and persuade them to buy your offer — but short enough, that they will be ‘hungry & thirsty’ for more.

Besides, it really doesn’t matter if it’s long or short.

What’s important is that your emails give you the results you want: MORE SALES!

Speaking of more sales…

I specialize in helping business owners make more sales from their emails.

If you’re actively using email marketing and have a strong offer that people want, then I could give you more sales by writing better email copy.

If interested, just head over here — https://romrulida.com/ -- and hop inside my mailing list.

Talk again soon.

The Email Copy Guy,

Rom “Not A Fan Of Skirt” Rulida 


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