What's the Best Way to Shop for Annuities?
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"You see people say, I hate all annuities. It's like saying I hate all restaurants or I hate all socks or I hate all cars. I mean, annuities are contracts and they primarily solve for four things." - Stan the Annuity Man
On this episode of The Insurance Experts, I interview Stan the Annuity Man. Stan is a lightning rod figure in the annuity industry because of his strong opinions about the ways agents and advisors recommend annuities. Whether you love him or hate him, I have learned a lot from his educational video series.
Stan and I discuss his approach to shopping the market for annuities. Stan puts the most value on the contractual guarantees that annuities provide. He tends to discount much more than most advisors the non-guaranteed elements of the contracts. So, he does not recommend annuities for the growth aspects where it is tied to the market.
In my opinion, consumers should understand their options and both the pros and cons of the alternatives. There are advisors that have recommended strategies tied to the markets and depending on the downside protection, their clients have fared well during this recent period of market volatility (note: we filmed this video prior to the recent COVID-19 market downturn.) So, the key as usual is to consult with an annuity expert.
Stan uses an acronym called P.I.L.L. to describe the annuity use cases that he recommends:
P: Principal protection
I: Income for life
L: Legacy
L: Long term care
Stan shops the market by looking at the product that offers the best rates on the contractual guarantees with these objectives in mind.
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