Whatever you do, do NOT ask these questions during an interview!
Jade Williams
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Towards the end of every interview, the employer will ask “Do you have any questions?”
First of all, don’t say…
No, I don’t have any questions.
Recruiters want to hear questions. It will show them that you are passionate about the job, knowledgeable about the position, and have a constructive work ethic. Therefore, candidates should put just as much thought into their questions as everything else in the interview. If you haven’t already started writing down a question list on a piece of paper, START.
Asking questions gives you the chance to:
- Demonstrate you are an appropriate fit for the company.
- Prove you’re interested in the position and have done your homework!
- Ask questions that are important to you.
- Decide if you really want to take the job.
That is why I have put together a list of some of the WORST questions to ask during an interview so that you won’t make these mistakes. Asking the wrong questions in an interview can really make you seem like you lack interest in the job or didn’t take the time to prepare. Make sure you’re taking notes, so you make a lasting impression on the company of your dreams, and get the job!
Questions NOT to ask:
“What are the requirements for this position?”
This doesn’t seem like such a bad question, right? Wrong.
Asking this makes you seem lazy, or uninterested. You should always read the job description before you go to the interview. If you don’t the employer won’t take you seriously since it seems like you aren’t serious enough about the job to do your research.
Most companies have a duty description on the company website.
“When will I get a promotion?”
Asking this makes you seem uninterested in the current job. It can also make you seem arrogant, especially if you don’t have the job yet.
Instead, you could ask “What are the opportunities this job offers?”
Wording it this way shows your enthusiastic about the job. The employer wants to know you’re passionate about the position they’re trying to have you fill, not what’s next.
“What is the salary?”
The first interview is about advertising yourself to the employer, not pushing for how much pay you will get. It’s best to avoid this question until you are certain you got the job, or the employer initiates it.
If you have a set, pay you would like to receive you can add it to your cover letter or bring it up after your hired. The interview is not the place for these questions.
“Do you conduct background checks (or check references) before hiring someone?”
This makes you seem shady or that you have something to hide. Until you have gotten to know the interviewer better its best not to ask anything like this or you could lose your opportunity.
Other Questions to Avoid:
- Any questions that make it seem like you haven’t been listening.
- “When can I expect a raise?”
- “What does the company do?”
- “Can I work from home?”
- The first interview is not the time to be asking for privileges.
- “Who is your competition?”
- “Can you tell me a little bit about the background check process?”
- This makes it seem like you have something to hide
Questions TO ask:
While there are many questions inappropriate to ask during an interview here are 3 questions you should ask.
“What are the biggest opportunities facing the company right now?”
Asking this question will inform you what the company is going to be focusing on in the future. This can help you to understand the structure of the organization and if you can advance your career. It will show the employer you are a driven person looking for opportunities.
“What haven’t I asked that most candidates ask?”
This will help you gain insight into your competition and set you apart from the rest by showing a great deal of confidence.
“What are the next steps in the interview process?”
This is a great question to show how eager you are without seeming impatient. It will also help you follow up with the employer in a timely manner.
Other Questions to Ask:
- “What are the prospects for growth and advancement?”
- “Do you have a policy for helping new members of the team get on board?”
- “What are the biggest challenges of this job?”
- “What’s your least favorite part of working here?”
- “What is the best part of working for this company?”
If you follow this guide you will surely stand out against your competitors and catch the hiring manager’s eye. Now go tackle your interview!