Whatever Happened To.....
I feel like I just turned around and things have changed. They say that time speeds up as you age, and I guess it is true!
I’ll bet you don’t have to be as old as I am to wonder what happened to ….
Mexican jumping beans. Jacks. Slinky dogs.
Playing hide and seek, Olly olly oxen free!
Secret decoder rings.
Roller skate keys. Hard-soled kids shoes that could accept old-fashioned roller skates.
Phone booths (where can Superman change?) and pay phones.
Drive in movies. (Sex ed on the internet can’t be as interesting as hands on. Ha!)
Floppy disks and video tapes. And Super 8. And Polaroid.
Rabbit ears. (Turn it a little more. No! Go back. Maybe hold it higher?)
Smoking sections. Car ash trays. Cigarette vending machines.
Transistor radios. Leatherette covered!
Elks and Moose and other Lodges.
Full size spare tires. Or spare tires at all. (Come to think of it, I can’t remember when I last had a flat tire.)
Traveling carnivals.
Full service gas stations. With uniforms. And free big foldy road maps.
Erasers. Cursive writing.
Green stamps. S+H were the best. And filling up the little booklets to get free stuff. (I guess cash back deals on credit cards are the new equivalent.)
Lawn darts. Seesaws. Cap guns. Rubber toy knives. Where did the real and fake dangers go?
Seems to me that a lot of historical texture has been lost. What else can you remember that is gone?