Whatever the future holds …..
Antony Slumbers
Keynote Speaker. Creator of the #GenerativeAIforRealEstatePeople Course | Master Generative AI in Real Estate: antonyslumbers.com/course | newsletter at flexos.work/trillion-dollar-hashtag
Flexibility and resilience are two words we need to take to heart in real estate. If the Covid experience has taught business anything it is that we need to be flexible and we need much more resilience.
We are rapidly heading into a 1970’s era of ‘Stagflation’ mostly because the global supply chain system has proven to be so lean that when it breaks it breaks bad, and hard though it is to believe we are seeing a resurgence of tank and artillery warfare on the European continent.
In the future we need to think much harder about ‘Whatever the future holds …..’
Charles Darwin’s ‘The Origin of Species’ is often spoken of, wrongly, as being about the survival of the fittest. But what he actually said was that it is ‘Nor the strongest, but those most able to adapt’ that win the evolutionary wars. Adaptability and flexibility are close cousins.?
There is much ‘Sturm und Drang’ at the moment in the battle between employers and employees as to who has to return to the office, and for how long. We have companies ranging from saying ‘no need to ever come back’, to those saying, or mandating, 2 or 3 days or week, to those on the other end of the spectrum saying everyone back, five days a week.
In reality the arguments are irrelevant, because it is a certainty that talent will win this battle. Companies may be able to force some of their employees to do as they say, but the employees that really matter (speaking commercially), that they want to attract and retain, now have what economists call ‘optionality’. They have choice and agency over where they work. And it is 100% certain that they will be looking for flexibility, across three axis:
First they will want flexibility of time, so that they can work the hours that suit them best, that enable them to maximise their productivity.
Secondly they will want flexibility of location, so that they can work wherever makes sense for them.
And thirdly, they will want flexibility of space, so that they can work in a physical environment that is best suited for their ‘job to be done’. Different tasks are best undertaken in different spaces.
And every individual, team or company is going to require a different mix of the above. There is no generic office answer anymore. Anyone telling you that ‘return to the office’ will mean X, Y and Z is a fool. The fundamental reason why flexibility is such a valuable thing is exactly because everyone will have different needs.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus talked about ‘all is flux’. He wrote that “No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” We need to start planning our real estate for this reality. Whatever was fixed needs to become flexible. We need to think of interiors, workflows and business models as emergent, as things that are constantly developing, iterating, changing.?
Nicholas Nassim Taleb has written about things that are ‘anti-fragile’, that ‘thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors’. Well, in real estate it is increasingly hard to know what will be required in 2, 5 or 10 years, so we need to build spaces and places that are not over optimised for specific uses but that are designed for adaptive re-use.?
In Paris it is becoming mandatory when submitting a planning application for new offices to demonstrate how the building could be converted to residential. That really is planning for emergence.
Much of our ability to be more flexible is going to come from a growing ‘circular economy’ mindset. Where we start with how something is designed, the materials used, and the construction methodologies and ensure that everything can be easily deconstructed, re-used or recycled. Increasingly the supply side is developing products and services that fit this mould, from partitions that are simply moved, from areas within a floor plate that change use from day to evening, and from furniture ‘as a service’ models where it’s easy to swap in or out, chairs, desks or whatever, according to evolving needs.
This is the essence of ‘Space as a Service’ - spaces that provide the services needed for any particular task, whenever and wherever.
It is from this flexibility that resilience flows. And it applies across all asset classes. Where are the points of weakness, where are the bottlenecks, where are the over optimised areas? What is solid, what is permeable. What is fixed, what can shape shift?
Historically the real estate industry has considered flexibility and resilience, but never as deeply as is needed in the future. It is clear that the pandemic has generated second and third order consequences that are far more disruptive than we have been used to. And these are on top of the seismic implications of ever more powerful technologies that are upending industry after industry.
Here are seven drivers of change (as borrowed from an excellent research report on the future of logistics*) that we must pay attention to, and become resilient in the face of.
So in conclusion, in order to design our businesses for flexibility and resilience we need to be considering new form factors, workflows and operating procedures. It sounds like an easy thing to do, but in reality this could mean an almost complete re-engineering of how your business works. Every input and every output needs to be analysed. Everything fixed, or fragile, needs to be inspected and appraised for transformation. Anything that cannot be made flexible and resilient needs to be assiduously monitored and profiled for knock on risk.
It is very easy to say ‘we are flexible and resilient’, but executing on actually being so most certainly isn’t.
Tom Duncan, Head of Research, Cromwell Property Group.
PS: In September I will be starting a new online course. All about '#SpaceasaService: The Trillion Dollar Hashtag'
If you would like to register for more information as it becomes available please fill out the form on my homepage at?antonyslumbers.com
Mobility as a Service for The Digital Nomad/Remote worker. Converting Underutilized parking, retail, office and into assets of the future and reversing the homeless/affordability trend.
2 年Great write up! Here in America we enjoy the benefits of free enterprise. We also suffer from its excesses. We have too many guns and too many commercial buildings. 400M guns alone and 34B square feet carbon emitting office/industrial/retail by some. Ironically, one industry and the people it employs are vilified while the other industry and is lauded and give themselves awards. Yes, I would never equate releasing CFCs into the air on a level with the death of a human being. But in 30-40 years the climate catastrophe will be causing much more death via famine and rising seal levels. Here is my answer to the problem, no more of either. If gun manufactures want to sell more guns (we can’t stop them) they need to sponsor those “we buy back your gun” events and take them off the streets on a one for one basis as the new ones have chips imbedded. If developers want to build another Salesfoce Tower, they need to buy back the old energy inefficient ones, take them offline or convert them. Right now SF’s vacancy is = to 6 Salesforce Towers.
Strategic urban development, manager / City of Tampere
2 年Flexibility in time, location, and space, maximizing support for the job to be done #antifragile
Retired Corporate Real Estate Director.
2 年“The only way to control your destiny is to be more flexible than your environment”. - William D. Confalonieri
CEO & Co-Founder Acquirepad | KI-basierte Transaktionsplattform für professionelle Immobilieninvestoren | ULI, MAT, RICS
2 年Good piece. You are providing some interesting points. On No. 7 (inflation) it might be so, that flexibility in the lease will also be less wanted, as it makes a business more vulnerable to inflation but at the same time decreases the upside potential on re-negotiating leases. Overall, I think good real estate management for corporates will become even more important than it was in the past. Things like technology-enabled property and facility management will, maybe, become USPs for companies. I think overall, we will see a lot of opportunities in almost every business area, real estate included. This will lead to companies trying to figure out new USPs, whether those are cost or revenue-driven. #my2cents
Keynote Speaker. Creator of the #GenerativeAIforRealEstatePeople Course | Master Generative AI in Real Estate: antonyslumbers.com/course | newsletter at flexos.work/trillion-dollar-hashtag
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