What is Zoning- the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Austin Haynes
Senior Land Use Planner, Bean Kinney & Korman- Zoning, Entitlements, Development Incentives, Permit Expediting, Proffer Amendments, Finance Acquistion, and Project Management.
This week I really wanted to explain the meaning of zoning to everyone, but I found online several great resources for that, and Wikipedia was one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoning
Zoning is a way for government to allocate and divide property by type of use. The goal being to benefit the general public through protection of property value, standard of living, and to create segments of land that will create employment, allow manufacturing, and agriculture. Zoning can help create districts for Industrial, Commercial and Residential. Proper Zoning will also look at transitions between districts creating mixed use environments that benefit multiple sectors.
Zoning does much more today in that it takes a more holistic approach to community. It now looks a height of buildings, noise levels, buffering, and parking counts. Today, Zoning works hand in hand with most Planning Departments in evaluating potential new projects. The goal is to improve the overall quality of life of the community's citizenry.
Unfortunately, Zoning has not always been used as a positive force. Steering, Blockbusting, and other forms of discrimination against race, gender, age, and religion are part of zoning history. Zoning was used to promote the whites only side of town with the proverbial other side of the tracks for colored housing. Zoning has had a mixed history when it comes to Freedom of Speech for instance. Zoning is used to separate adult entertainment venues from areas around schools and churches. It is used to limit advertising and billboards.
Other complaints about zoning include it limits property rights. Often there is spot zoning or too many variances to create the seamless flow of the neighborhood design. Consistency in interpretation of the code is essential and lack of such can create unnecessary conflict.
Zoning overall is a great benefit to the community as a whole. It protects property values, provides for safe neighborhoods, creates districts for shopping and entertainment, and promotes the overall health and wellbeing of the community.