What is Zonal ECU Architecture?
A&D Technology
Vehicle Testing & Development Systems: Measurement, Control, & Simulation Solutions
Zonal architecture in the context of ADAS (Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems) development and ECUs (Electronic Control Units) refers to a modern approach in vehicle electrical/electronic (E/E) design that aims to simplify and optimize the vehicle’s wiring harness and network communication systems.
In traditional vehicle architectures, each ECU is dedicated to a specific function or domain, such as powertrain, infotainment, or body control. This can result in a vehicle having upwards of 100 individual ECUs, each with its own wiring connections, leading to complexity, increased weight, and cost.
The zonal architecture consolidates these numerous ECUs into a few powerful domain controllers or ‘Super Cores’. These are strategically placed in different zones of the vehicle. For example, there might be an ADAS Super Core, a Body Super Core, and a Cockpit Super Core1. Each zone manages the sensors and actuators within its area, significantly reducing the number of ECUs and the complexity of the wiring harness.
This architecture leverages Automotive Ethernet with Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) for high bandwidth and deterministic real-time communication, which is essential for the functionality of ADAS systems 1. The zonal gateways connect sensors and actuators to the network, allowing for efficient data transfer and processing.
The benefits of zonal architecture include reduced cost, weight, and power consumption, as well as improved flexibility and scalability for future vehicle technologies 2. It also facilitates the transition to software-defined vehicles, where software updates and feature deployments can be managed more efficiently 3.
Overall, zonal architecture represents a significant shift towards more centralized and streamlined vehicle E/E systems, enabling the integration of complex, high-voltage systems required for advanced ADAS and automated driving functionalities 4.
Contact A&D to learn more about our ECU validation or prototyping solutions.
Learn more 1 standards.ieee.org 2 gsaglobal.org 3 sae.org 4 ti.com 5 mckinsey.com