What if you've been taught to lean into the wrong things?
Lisa Bobyak
Life Design & Business Strategy | Preventing Burnout in Female Founders, Owners & Financial Advisors
It’s a common question I get:
“What makes MY LIFE so tricky to navigate with grace and ease?”
Here's the truth: It’s a constellation of things.
In our culture that honors productivity over personal wellbeing, speed over quality and answers over wisdom… you’ve been taught to lean into the wrong things.
The "good girl" approach that made you a star student and carried you to success?
The “always on” way you take care of others?
The “perfectionist” tendencies you have?
The “people pleasing” nature everyone adores?
The “caring” way you extend yourself to others?
These are positive traits that got you to where you are now…
AND they are part of the cluster that's actually burning you out.
It’s not your fault. We were taught to approach life this way.
There’s good news here! Because these things were learned, they can be unlearned.
And I can show you how.
Those headaches? That pit in your stomach? The buzzing vibration in your chest at 3am?
That's your body screaming at you. She's been trying to get your attention.
What if you could listen—without having to burn it all down?
Join me for Full Capacity Living.
Thursday, March 20th @ 6:00 pm CST
Designed for busy women who want to do it all
without sacrificing their health, their relationships or their happiness.
During this highly interactive, 60 minute, workshop you’ll learn the 3 Keys to keeping it all together without falling apart.
Maybe you’ve had some of these thoughts. (You’ve not alone, if you have.)
“My mind doesn’t stop racing. I’m wound tight and always in full throttle mode.”
“I’ve begun to hate Sundays. Those Sunday Scaries take the fun out of my whole weekend.”
“I’m always putting out fires. Once they’re out, then I’ll be able to relax.”
If you’ve found yourself feeling like, “If this is what having it all feels like, I don’t want it!”...
Full Capacity Living is for YOU!
I promise:
What you need is a radical shift in how you approach your full life.
When you implement the 3 Keys to keeping it all together (which we'll begin practicing during the workshop), you'll protect your pace, your input, and your energy.
After the workshop, I promise… you’ll feel empowered, encouraged and equipped to tackle that very full life of yours.
Full Capacity Living is THIS Thursday, March 20th at 6:00pm CST.
Join live and you’ll get to ask me anything about life balance and healing burnout!!!
Bring your questions! This isn't a passive webinar—it's a working session with tools you can implement immediately.
We've got this, friends!
P.S. If you're thinking "I don't have time for a workshop," that's exactly why you need this one. Register now.