What If You're Wrong?

What If You're Wrong?

Triple Espresso:

What if everything you THINK you "know" is wrong?

What if the information your parents taught you is wrong? Because THEY were taught wrong.

What if what society tells you is important and substantial is wrong?

What if EVERYTHING you've built your life and business upon is COMPLETELY and TOTALLY wrong? And has NOTHING to do with fundamental TRUTH?

Are you willing to consider that who you THINK you are is not who you REALLY ARE?

What if you were birthed into a prison of limitation and lack and consumerism and materialism that EVEN MOUNDS of research PROVES does not bring happiness and fulfillment?

Sometimes you've been SO CONDITIONED in a LIE that TRUTH knocks at your door and you turn it away.

Just suppose for a moment that YOU (the real YOU) has always been FULL of LOVE and PROSPERITY and WEALTH and HAPPINESS and LAUGHTER and ABUNDANCE.

WHAT IF you have just one chance, just ONE chance, to break out of the prison of the False Personality you've built and been conditioned into; and to BREAK FREE into the reality of who you ARE?

Would you take that chance?

Would it be worth ALL the DAYS from this day to your last to tell the world, "You can take everything I have, you can call me notorious and crazy, you can possibly even take my liberties... but you can NEVER take my FREEDOM!"

It's time my Warrior Leader friend...

It's time to peel back the veneer... (it shreds very easily because it's a LIE)...

It's time to shatter the False Self...

It's time to turn on the Light...

And Take Your Power Back!

I have a very special opportunity that’s for a few very special individuals. It’s an 8 Week Virtual Course via Zoom called The Way of the Warrior, The Toltec Teachings of Mastery and Power. It runs October 4 through November 22, 2021; it’s brand new; seating is limited; and we won’t be running it again for at least a year. Details here: https://www.jamesray.com/toltec-teachings-of-mastery-and-power/

#FearlessFriday #FeelGoodFriday #FridayMotivation #transformation #leadership #futureleadership #leaders #redemption #redemptiveleadership #jamesarthurray #jamesray #BersabehRay #jamesarthurandbearray


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