What are your unconscious habits?

What are your unconscious habits?

We all believe to some extent that we have complete free will in how we live our lives day-by-day. The whole topic of freewill is crazy philosophical and complicated, it’s something I touched on in a previous article. But this article is about uncovering the hidden patterns and unconscious habits that control our lives.

Human conditioning is a crazy thing, we are probably the most self-aware creatures on this planet but at the same time we generally aren’t very self-aware. From a very early age, we are conditioned to think in certain ways, and this conditioning has created behavioral patterns that appear in our lives every day.

I think that nearly everyone if they are honest, can think of a situation that keeps reoccurring in their life over and over again. Maybe it’s that you are always late for things. Do you say that you will be at your friend’s house for a certain time, and always arrive late? Why is it that you keep turning up for things late? Have you thought about it?

Maybe you are forever in a cycle of starting a training program at the gym, you get obsessive for the first few weeks and then you start to lose momentum. After a while, you haven’t gone for a month. You say to yourself I’ll go again at the start of the month, then the next month comes, and you say to yourself, “it’s nearly Christmas now, I’ll go in the New Year”. New Year comes and you realize that the gyms will be packed so you leave it until February to start. You finally start up again in February and you dream of your summer body, but by the time summer rolls around, you’re out of the habit again, there were too many weddings, too many nights out, it was impossible to make it to the gym.

And what about relationships? Are you the sort of person who is constantly in a serious relationship, or are you forever alone? Do you constantly have a love interest who you know likes you but for some reason, you never close the deal? Or are you actually sick of relationships and looking to stay single for a while? But you just seem to end up in another relationship without meaning to. Are you always attracted to partners who are bad for you?

I can talk about these patterns is because I’ve had all of them in my own life and many more!! Where do these patterns and habits come from? Usually, they develop at a very young age when we are having our first interactions with the world or we inherited them from our parents. So many of our subconscious patterns will manifest physically in very obvious ways, but those patterns are running in our subconscious constantly and contributing to everything we do.

You might be a person whose room seems to constantly get into a mess, have you ever wondered why this seems to “just happen”? I can tell you now that there isn’t a gremlin that comes into your room when you aren’t there. You might think, I’m just a messy person, but why are you a messy person? There is an unconscious pattern running in the background of your life that makes you create a mess.

Your messy room is just one obvious physical manifestation of that pattern, but I guarantee you that pattern shows up in everything you do in your life. Your thoughts are disorganized and messy, your work is a little disorganized and messy, your understanding of the world is a little disorganized and messy, your relationships are a little disorganized and messy. Look for the physical manifestations of your internal patterns in your life, and when you see them you’ll have made the first step toward fixing them. You’ll have become aware of them.

We are pattern-based creatures and our understanding of the world is completely based on patterns. So much of what we do has to happen at a subconscious level, otherwise, we’d go insane overthinking everything. We learn something new, we become competent at it, and then our brain turns it into a subconscious pattern. Examples of subconscious patterns you have developed can be seen in the everyday things you do.

Do you think about walking? Do you think about driving? Do you think about putting your clothes on? These are all incredibly complex things that you once found difficult, but once you learned how to do them your brain made a pattern of the skill and you no longer had to think about it.

Patterns aren’t bad; in fact, they are mostly good. You just need to become aware of what your bad patterns are and replace them with good patterns. Examples of bad patterns can be overeating, attraction to emotionally distant partners, laziness, and lack of punctuality.

It’s difficult to develop the emotional intelligence required to have this self-awareness. Every year I look back at the me from a year before and I think, “God I was so unaware of myself”. I’ll get embarrassed thinking about what a bad listener I was, or how pretentious I was. Then I think about how much self-awareness I’m probably lacking now. Next year, I’ll probably look back at myself and think, “God I was so silly writing that article, what was I thinking?!!!”.

We can fix our negative patterns and habits by following the steps below:

· Face it

· Trace it

· Erase it

· Replace it

Begin by becoming aware of your bad habits, accept and face up to them. Then trace where they show up in your life. Then erase those bad habits out of your life and eventually replace them with a new pattern that’s positive and makes you happy.

What are some unconscious habits you became aware of while reading this? I’d love to hear about them :)



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