What are your Super Powers?
Marjorie Gutierrez ??
?Creative entrepreneurs hire me to help empower them to unleash their potential, grow their business so they are more profitable. Create clarity, focus, structure and strategies ??? Award Winning Mentor 2023 ?
What are your Super Powers?
A miracle happens while you were asleep. You wake up the next morning still unsure of what has happened. Was it a dream? What would you do next?
We all wish we had Superpowers especially when starting out in Business. We start out with a Vision of what our business is all about then we create products and offers to market. Followed by attending networking events one after another, pitching our offers, currently on Zoom. Constantly checking out Social Media, as if they are our competitors. Feeling completely overwhelmed, eyeing a stack of print outs in the corner of the room, having taken advantage of many free courses available and takeaways to take our business further.
TAKE A DEEP BREATHE! You see, this was ME when I was starting out. 25 years of experience creating and running businesses internationally, transitioned into business coaching, all of a sudden, I had no clue what to do. I can say help in many different languages.
Take it from me, before you follow what I did, read how I transformed instead. I listed all my super powers (Strengths) and unwanted weaknesses because they exist! (listen) you will outsource these later on. Time is money, if you’re spending 4 hours creating a landing page, this has just cost you approx. $600.00 scandalous!
Armed with your Super Powers, your Vision, Core Values and your offers, create your ideal client. Who do you want to work with and research the right networking groups to connect and build relationships. Be visible and show up on your chosen Social Media platform and if techie isn’t one of your super power, hire someone who can help you, invest the right way and maximise your own time doing what you do best. The list of all your superpowers can also be used as part of your marketing content. Investing in a techie VA is perhaps the smartest move I made a year after I started.
I’m a business builder coach.