What is Your Story?

What is Your Story?

Everyone loves a story from young to old. This is because stories are vivid and memorable. They connect with people at an emotional level for higher engagement.  All great teachers and mentors use stories to connect at deeper level and provide a clear picture of their teaching.  When it comes to business, stories attract prospects by creating curiosity and solutions to their challenges. 

What is your story? Where did you start? What does it mean to your business?  What failures have you experienced that led you to your success in business? There are many more questions here but this at least gives you an idea. It is important to formulate your story which should always come from the heart. It should be your experience not someone else. Take out a pad and begin to write down whatever comes to mind. It is important for strong connections with others to be specific about real experiences, events, and people that tell your story.  Using generalities will not build a strong connection and will work against you. If you prefer not to write then use a recorder from your phone to capture their valuable content. Either you or someone better skilled at writing can transcribe this information from written or recorder form to craft into short concise stories that connect. 

It is important to use social media, your web site, and other marketing material to depict your story where it always should be authentic and indirectly imply a solution to people’s challenges. Never estimate the power of your story. Again, it has to be available across several channels like depicted here. It does not always have to be told all at once. Social media is great to tell your story over time as it builds a following where people anticipate the next chapter of information. Finally, always know stories connect and empower when people can relate to your solution to their own challenge. Selling features builds walls and resistance.  So go ahead, start today to formulate your story. We are all waiting to hear about it. 

To your health & prosperity,

Christopher Salem


Scott Ward

President Performance Clubworks

8 年

Thanks! I always look forward to reading your posts, great stuff


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