What is your RTW Plan?
I wrote in a recent article about the benefit of a BCP, or Business Continuity Plan. After a lot of staring out of the window and shuffling of feet I’m guessing that many of you had the same thought:
“Well, he’s right…but it’s too late now since everything has already changed”.
I said then, and I repeat now, it’s not too late to learn and implement your plan for business continuity.
But the world is changing again, and I’m guessing that you aren’t really making plans for that either. Not because I think you can’t. Only that 95% of companies don’t, if history is any judge.
Simply put, your next real transition is re-emerging from the hibernation and isolation that we are currently in.
We make plans for injured workers to Return to Work.
Doesn’t it make sense that we make plans for our injured businesses to Return to the World?
It isn’t feasible that we’ll all just go back to the way things were.
No longer can managers hold on to their tired old ways that insist that flexible working can’t be implemented effectively. Your customers and suppliers aren’t going to accept anymore that they must be onsite at all times to be contactable. Your employees are going to want to talk about more flexible ways of working.
It's also likely that you are emerging from these “Interesting Times” very different people than you went in. New ideas, new attitudes and new outlooks on what is important.
You will still need the business process stuff; you know, the core of what makes your business run. You’ll need the risk management and logistics and financial plans that integrate and help you know what getting back on your feet looks like.
The RTW Plans needed are not just where will everyone sit. You have a real chance to consider what new opportunities exist for you and your business now that everything has shifted. You have people around you in your business and in others who are willing to help you look at what is possible and what is practical to try.
What bright new future will you prepare for in your Return to the World Plan?