What is your rollback plan?
Charles Cain
Career and Business Coach | I help individuals become leaders | Click the "Let's talk about YOU" link to schedule a complimentary 60-minute Coaching Conversation
No doubt you heard, or perhaps you were affected, by the Windows software update glitch this past Friday. I was not directly impacted but an organization that I do consulting work for was experiencing issues that day.
According to one report, 8.5 million Windows devices were affected by the Crowdstrike software update failure. That is a very small percentage of the total Windows universe of devices in use globally.
If 8.5 million devices can cause issues in the travel, banking, medical, and pharmaceutical industries to the point that you daily life is impeded, imagine how your inner mind, body, and soul is like when our internal operating system is being updated with suboptimal thinking?
Fortunately, Crowdstrike released a fix for that faulty code rather quickly, and yet it will take time for the devices that were impacted to recover. Someone has to go and reboot the affected device so that it can recover.
When was the last time you looked at yourself to see how you are operating internally?
How well did you perform in life before that last update to your internal operating system was installed?
What is your rollback plan for your life when an update goes wonky?
We all have an impact on those around us. If we are not operating optimally, then we subject those around us to a lessened life.
Until next week,
Charles Cain