What If Your Radio Company Literally Becomes Growth In Your Market?
Loyd Ford
"Ideas are the new technology." We solve problems, create opportunity, help grow higher ratings + help our clients grow revenue. Affordable Growth Partner: [email protected].
If you are responsible for managing radio sellers or you are a market manager looking to electrify your sales momentum, your existing sales talent is critical. But it's more than that, isn't it?
The 21st Century Building Blocks For Growth
To win across time, you must recruit new sellers well, train and educate your new and existing sellers with consistency, motivate them and bring fresh ideas to keep your sales team encouraged to keep moving forward faster in the face of more and more difficult goals. As managers, our job is also to create lift for sellers. Literally, it is our job to do everything within our powers to remove red tape, peel back challenges so that sellers can spend more "time spent selling."
Time spent selling is everything, especially if you have a well-practiced sales process with a great CNA, well-trained active listeners on your sales team and strong training that values bringing creativity to sales calls that advertisers can't unsee.
Ideas Help you Grow Sales
Where do your fresh ideas come from? Be honest with yourself. Are you able to generate fresh ideas with your current team?
Ideas change the world. This isn't new, but we don't often give ourselves credit for being creative with ideas to shake up local sales markets.
Subscribe to our free only-once-a-month Audio eBoost? newsletter to have resources and ideas drop in your email once a month.?
How Is Your Creativity?
How much does creativity matter in local radio today? We say it matters a lot in the face of more and more distractions for consumers (listeners) and customers (advertisers).
The Hybrid Difference
Only one radio consulting practice gives you powerful programming advice, strategy and process to help your team leverage your real opportunities, great music safe lists and on-air talent coaching along with coaching for your sales team, fresh ideas and strategies that give you a leg up on the competition by creating what we call "fresh revenue innovations."
We Make It Easy
The only money we focus on is our clients' revenue growth. Of course, we get paid like everyone else for our work. But - when we say we make it easy - what we mean is that we help clients find a way to afford us and then we show them we are really hear to give more certainty to them growing more revenue.
The Real Risks You Face
People in our business often think, "Well, I don't want to take a risk at this time."
Today the biggest risk most broadcasters take is not taking action to shift their momentum, let in new ideas and to see what has changed in consulting that can truly result in your local radio cluster becoming growth in your market.
Your Free Ticket To Growing Sales
What if you could score a free ticket that leads you and your sales team to begin growing your revenue again? Now you can. 864.448.4169.
Do yourself a favor. Look around on our website.
-- Listen to our quarterly free radio sales events designed to help local radio sellers anywhere grow their sales
-- Read any of our 1,250+ "articles of encouragement" on our website
-- Sample hundreds of our sales articles at RadioInk.com
Ask yourself this: When is the last time you and your team have received too much encouragement?
Here are the fundamentals that make us different and can lead you to becoming growth in your radio market:
1. Encouragement – I am a natural encourager. This isn’t the pie-in-the-sky encouragement. I am specifically talking about the casting of a vision and developing support around you and your entire team of individuals pulling your local radio brand up, up, up with the strategy and principles we discuss and put into play for your local radio brand or brands to bring you higher ratings and help you grow more revenue. ???
2. Strategy – I learned use of strategy starting when I was only 6 years old and it is a story worth hearing if you are interested. But I see everything in life through strategy. I have an unusual ability to see what will work for your local brand or brands and to use specific strategy to unravel your competitors simultaneously. ????
3. Behavior – As embarrassing as it may be, I have studied human behavior, motivation and human weaknesses all of my adult life. It is a fascination that helps my clients in a variety of critical ways that gives them an unfair advantage in their local radio market. ???
?4. The Powerful Creation Of Momentum - Momentum is powerful; we know this from sports, but it's equally powerful in our business. This includes use of assertiveness and proper timing and use of aggression when it is called for in your market. Most of radio is now homogeneous; we recommend you don't stay there with your local brands.
Here's your choice. Keep slugging it out on your own or try something new.
You've never had a more rev gen focused programming consultant on your team and it is worth sampling. What do you have to lose? More revenue by continuing to go it alone?
Ideas are the new technology. Encouragement is a wicked multiplier. Creation of momentum can make your team come alive and become unstoppable.
The 21st Century calls for a secret weapon. Let us be that market exclusive secret for you on both sides of the ball: Programming and sales.
It's exactly like having two consultants for the price of one.
Don't stay on the sidelines. It's time to score.
Is your cluster struggling? Send this article to "the boss."
Are you ready to grow? Pull the trigger and let us help you.
Brand + Relationship + Great Products + Consistent Problem-Solving = Higher Revenue.
- Loyd Ford, Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC)
We know that local radio can be larger than it is - not smaller. Join us.?
Catch my weekly radio sales column each Monday @ RadioInk.com.?
P.S. When you’re ready, there are two (2) ways I can help you.
Everyone needs revenue, but we ask clients to think about what happens when you yourself come to represent growth in your market. 864.448.4169.
*Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC) is powered by smart local radio companies who seek to become growth in their market.