What Is Your Purpose?

What Is Your Purpose?

Purpose is something I touch on a lot, especially within the framework of Latina Empire. It falls under all 3 of the core pillars: Heart, Mind, and Money. This is because finding a sense of purpose, and feeling purposeful in what you do, has the unique ability to ignite a drive powerful enough to actualize success. It’s easy to speak on all the benefits of having purpose, but where do you start? How do you get there when, sometimes, you don’t even know it's missing?

So many of us act out of necessity. We work, get married, climb ladders, and pursue things out of necessity, whether that need is money, companionship, status, etc. Necessity is a valid reason to do something, but it rarely leads to fulfillment.?

Before we can touch on cultivating a sense of purpose, let us understand what having a purpose is.? Having a purpose means transcending all the things we do out of necessity. We do it because we love it, and it lights us up inside. My newborn was born a few weeks ago, and right now, she is my purpose. Every day, I get up in the morning excited that she slept well and looking forward to feeding her breakfast. Our purpose is subject to change over time, just like we are. What is your purpose right now? What makes you excited for tomorrow? Having a clear purpose at the different stages of our lives is the catalyst for cultivating a lasting sense of happiness and satisfaction.?

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A good starting point is this short meditation for clarity. Take a few minutes to center yourself. Breathe deep, in through your nose and out through your mouth. After closing your eyes, imagine the most beautiful and comfortable place possible. Let your mind run wild. Somewhere you feel full of love and satisfaction, where you can be free. Once you’re there, take note of all the details. What sensations do you feel in your body? How does it smell? What are you doing?

Right here is where your purpose lies—getting to a place where you feel like yourself and free. If you ever feel lost or overwhelmed, connect to this place to remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing.?

Now that we’ve touched on the Heart aspect of purpose, let’s move on to cultivating a sense of purpose in the Mind. Did you know that, on average, people spend 90% of their time inside their heads? We spend so much time thinking and reflecting but often have little control over our thoughts. Think about it like this; our mind is the most intelligent machine in existence. It has brought to fruition everything that exists on this planet. How are you using this incredible machine? Are you filtering what you think about throughout the day? Are you paying attention or mindlessly thinking? How many of your thoughts are consciously cultivated? All of the ideas that pass through your head significantly impact the productivity and quality of each 24 hours.?

So, how do we create intentional reflection? The key is in journaling your reflections. Journaling is an excellent way to create a controlled train of thought. If physically writing is not your thing, use your notes app or Google Docs. Whatever works for you. The Latina Empire Mana lounge is a great resource if you prefer guided reflections. Cultivate purpose in your mind by reflecting on where you’ve been, where you are, where you want to go, and how you will get there.

The benefits of a clear purpose are plentiful. You are still determining who you will be; you are growing daily. Having a clear purpose allows you to develop in accordance with what you decide you value. You can dictate your own transformation, deciding what actions you have to take to be fully aligned with your purpose. Having a clear purpose reveals the path you must take to actualize it. Within this process lies power and freedom.?

What happens when you know your purpose, but it’s not prosperous enough to support you? That is a real problem to have. The majority of the population does not have the luxury of their profession aligning with their purpose. Because it is a prominent problem worldwide, many people suffer from anxiety, depression, chronic stress, and anger. There is, however, a realistic way around this that I invite you to consider. I like to call it Reunion Theory, a collaboration between your purpose and the limits of your profession. If you can identify how to pursue your passion through the lens of your career, that is the key.

My purpose and the goal of Latina Empire is to help women cultivate lives full of purpose, peace, love, and freedom. If you are interested in an in-depth course on this topic, visit the Latina Empire Mana Lounge for video-format teachings and a workbook I created.

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