In business leverage plays a very important part. We all stand at different spectrums; with our own portfolios. Our jobs are to protect those assets, intellectual property etc. Even the way you manage your business ventures, is a secret, hidden formula. And in business; everything is about Systems.?
Systems. Systems. Systems.?
Leverage is equally as; if not, the most important. What is my leverage? Or better yet. What is your leverage? What is inside of your portfolio, that is an allure to the masses? Therefore; what may entice potentialities, to want to do business with you organically? Lets use several examples here. Lets start with me, and work our way around things.?
Before we start. Let’s Start here.?
Business is about Innovation & Marketing. That’s it. That’s all folks!
Was that two G’s? Who knows? You get the point.?
We all bring our personal portfolios to the table. We also bring; ourselves. This includes our dreams, hopes; and all of our insights/ inspiration. When we encounter opportunities; we integrate into whatever systems are already in place.?
An entrepreneur is different. We walk in; as business partners. We don’t just apply for a job title or a position. Our outlooks are far more into the long term vision of the future. WE are already invested “emotionally”, on day one. If I apply for Starbucks; my future plans are to own one. Period.?
I call it “paid franchise training”. Yes of course; I can scrape by with $5.00/ hour + tips. But. I am not your day to day Sigma Male. I already did all of my research. Starbucks pays for up to 2 years of College; for free. Better yet. “Walking on to the company”; you will already own a few shares of stock in the company. Knowledge is not power. It is only “power”, when its core contents; are “applied” efficiently and effectively. With this newly found insight; we get to work. I know what my 5 to 7 year plan is, on day one.?
Everything inside of my background is exactly what I bring to the table. That is my experience portfolio, has in it; several different “folders”. I have a background in technology, psychology, medicine and “metrics”. This means: Game. Over.?
I can improve things both, on the macro and micro sides. I understand people, exceptionally well. My number one priority is “happiness”. The Synchronicity/ Synergy Drive; is what drives me. For example; happy business partners “breed” happy employees. Remember: We do not use the “E” word. So that sentence was only to “guide” all of our new audiences. But. Let us continue.?
Happy “business partners”, “create” happy clients. The baristas place that extra “love” into each cup. That changes the “dynamic of business”; completely. Thus, “increasing” the energy of the atmosphere. This is the true secret, to creating success in the “environment”. Now we are firing on all twelve cylinders.?
How does this convert? Easy. Now we can emphasize on effectiveness, and efficiency. We are not changing the equipment, or the “available” furniture. But; by using the “Fibonacci” Sequence, we can determine “flow”. I can move the gearing around, to make our processes; already in place, even better. We continue by moving things around, in the business “area/ Space”.?
Moving things around, will not secure everything but, it will assist you. All new “processes” will be “born”; organically. This means: Naturally and without “force or constraints”. Never; in a sense over imposing things to change. Change is natural on a daily basis; like the weather and traffic. See what I mean??
Not even your coffee is, or will ever be consistent.?
What can be consistent is you day to day operations. Your client base. Your processes; those are pretty much set in stone/ in place. You have to be “consistency”. What does this imply to us? And our portfolio??
You can “create the environment” for a client/ customer experience. Do not just focus on a point of sale. Do not just focus on the “today” of things. This is what makes the difference. You “make” the difference.?
Can you see what “I” bring, to the table? With/ Alongside; my own, unique “portfolio”. What I bring to the table; “encompasses”, me. This is my entire lifetime, in a magic bottle. Whomever hires me; just increased the company value by 10%. The actual store/ location just encountered its first true danger. I can potentially increase revenue streams by 51%. Profits can reach above 44%. For a Million Dollar Operation: That is an additional $440,000.00/ year.?
This can also be incremental.?
Had it not been, for us, to bring to the table: Our own portfolio of “participation”; this would not be possible. Most people do not engage as indepth; as us. They do not bring their portfolios. They keep them in “safe” somewhere in the known/ unknown universe, instead of putting them into good use.?
How many laterals is that??
I lost count. In fact we just; lost count. We are Entrepreneurs. We are the cream of the crop.?
One move, leads to the next. The entity that hires me; will only get the very best “from” me. “Anything else, would be Uncivilized”.?
Old Spice? Funny; how that has stayed with me. The new era commercials, are more geared towards comedy; these days. Hence; another lesson learned for all of us. One moment can change your life, or it can stay the same.?
The choice is up to you.?
Moving forward.?
I bring 5,000 Songs to the table. I have broken multiple World Guinness Records. I have also established several “hundreds” of World Guinness Records. I own my entire catalog 100%. What more can I say??
Elon Musk will ask; and only accept full company value. And so will I.?
And so should You.?
That is business. No other discriminatory restrictions should be implemented; in place. My system, may be; the anti system. Let’s use Apple and Spotify as my intended Target, or Walmart. If their “streaming” services are “highway” robbery/ slave agreement? I say; Fuck You. I will never need you; period.?
Kick. Rocks. Biatch.?
I will place my music for sale, on the blockchain as NFT’s. Direct to consumer. No middle corporations getting paid, for doing absolutely “nothing”. No bullshit. I did not focus on what they intended for me, my family, my legacy, our future or our day to day livelihood.?
You already stole Michael Jacksons Catalog and Prince. You will never get VENOM R1’s 5,000+ Song Music Catalog.
End of story.?
I'm threatening/ challenging their entire systems.
Innovation & Marketing.?
It. Cost. Money.?
Why market on any existing platforms when I can establish my own? Record labels play the “credit game”. I can play the credit game; even better because I own everything. I am the leverage. I am the intellectual property. I own the assets/ therefore the “collateral”.?
What more is there to talk about??
Record Labels “run” to a bank, to run their operations. No need? to get mad at those THIEFS.
They are robbing the banking systems blind. I can go to the investment firms/ myself and own everything 100%.?
They play the tax write off/ ebita game. I can do that even better. I can build attention anywhere, so that me and my business partners are not vulnerable.???
Rule #1: Fuck you. Pay me.
All payments are made to me. Now I can really scale and expand. If I also write books, and make movies, series, and video games; those are all added bonuses. If I own my own clothing line, and electronics. Cross pollinating, through organic, product placement marketing and advertising is an added weapon. I am nuclear powered as a small business.?
I have 24 business partners. Imagine when I have 2,000? See what I mean? There is no question here about success. Here; you will only find answers. Just imagine: Me promoting all new music daily for the next 15 years? What is the value in that. Lets say each song produces $1,000.00/ month. @ 5,000 + records, is $5,000,000.00 for me. Every 28 days. $60,000,000.00/ year. Ebita is 10 to 16 X. $600,000,000.00 - $960,000,000.00.?
Where are we? How much is that “Worth”??
How much Marketing & Innovation is that worth; by percentage? 44%? 40%? 35%??
See where we are??
You can easily put a “Price” on Everything but, you cannot place a “Value” on Anything.?
HOw much is My Catalog worth today??
The value just increased; one second ago. It “only” increases; every second of everyday.?
How can we negotiate? I know my daily market value, and I have “All Of the Data Points to Prove it”. These? figures are based? on “true Market value; daily. The Data Is Worth 16X; that.?
How much is that worth to you BlackRock/ BlackStone??
Off. Line.?
I love you all. Thank You For Sponsoring This War.