What are your plans this summer?
VJ Hamilton
Registered Nutritionist & Functional Medicine Clinician, DipION, BSc (Hons), mBANT - Empowering those with autoimmune disease to regain their strength and live a fulfilling and symptom-free life.
What are your plans this summer?
This photo is from one of my last holidays abroad in 2019. It had been a busy year with work commitments, lots of travel and social plans. I had an amazing year, but I had no time for self-care, and as a result, my health had spiralled again, and I was one step away from another flare.
Whilst on holiday, I had a nasty cold for the first few days. Yes, sometimes, when you start to relax, and your adrenaline decreases, your suppressed immune system is fully exposed, meaning you are more likely to get ill. I decided to 'push through' and enjoy myself regardless. Not the best idea...
I then got lazy with my diet and hadn't prepared properly. I realised I hadn't requested the gluten-free option on the flight back, which is an absolute must for me. In my carefree spirit, I decided to eat the sandwiches that were the only things available—another silly decision.
When I got back, I had developed a large ganglion on my right wrist. My wrist health seems to be a great indicator of my general health, and I knew I had pushed myself too far. It took me over a year working on nutrition, self-care and with @harrogateacupuncturist to get it back to normal.
Note to self: Enjoy yourself but always put your mind, body and health first!
I believe in the 80:20 rule in being healthy for most of the time unless you are doing a health protocol that requires a bigger commitment for a short period of time (such as the #aipprotocol), but if you get ill or feel tired, give yourself a break, book a message, have a lie-in or have a bath. You will recover so much quicker and won't have to deal with the consequences for months afterwards.
So whatever your plans are this summer, make sure you take some time for yourself and don't overburden yourself, even if your plans are fun and exciting! Enjoy everyone - the sun is here ????
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