What is Your North Star?
Do you realize that negative emotions are catching? The good news, however, is that positive vibes are also catching! Unfortunately, our negative emotions are more contagious than our positive ones. This points to how critical it is to carefully select the five people who you spend the most time with, making sure they are positive influencers.
This is just one of many TRUTHS of life that we must try to understand and abide by. We may not like the rules of life but until we can change them, we must follow them. Salmon can swim upstream with a tremendous amount of effort but then what is their fate?
Life is so much about how you see yourself, feel about what you are doing, and your mindset in doing it! Love, joy, and TRUTH are connected if we pursue them. As we look back on our lives what do we see? What have you accomplished? Who or what have you impacted? Have you made a difference, or did you just exist?
What have you questioned? Have you pursued TRUTH or just allowed the lies and deceit of the world to influence you? Leadership is about service to others and not just control of them. If you ignore a problem, does it go away, or does it grow? Leadership is not about being liked; it is about being respected for the things you do.
Another TRUTH you may have realized. People do not care about your product or what you have to offer. People care most about the problems they have, their pain points and what you can do to help them.
Are you totally confused by this article yet and what am I trying to say? This is life, it is not always simple or clear. Often it is messy, confusing, and seldom does it make total sense. It is a jumble of thoughts, advice, opinions and words all mixed up. How can you make sense of it all?
It starts by having a North Star to follow, a point of direction or grounding. A basic TRUTH in your life that will always be there for you to guide the way. I have defined this as my OneTRUTH Leadership, but I have not always done a very good job of defining or following it.
What do you believe is your purpose, your key reason for being? This is the second step. You must define it! We all have a purpose, and it is different for each of us. It may be a single word or thought or a long and complex statement. Seek it with all your heart and mind and dwell on it until it directs every aspect of your life.
Third, you must continue to grow, challenge yourself and your beliefs for them to become stronger. You will have doubts about who you are and what you believe but continue to question and pursue TRUTH. Have confidence in your ability to figure it out, not knowing all the answers. Trust your abilities. We are all just making it up as we go along. Figure it out for yourself and then just do it!