What will be your next step?

What will be your next step?

Do you feel invisible and undervalued at work? Are you fed up with making the same mistakes over and over? Do you yearn for more clarity and direction in your life? Are you ready to let go of your negative self-talk once and for all? Is it time to find your voice? Do you want to get to the root cause of what is preventing you from shining your light? These are all points to consider when deciding, what will be your next step?

Above all, 2022 is calling us to heal old wounds, to get traction as we uncover our unique gifts. Time to do our purpose work. I was talking with a friend the other day, let’s call her Sara. She was reflecting on her life over the last 20 years when she realised there was a common pattern. This was a pivotal moment for her. She realised that she had been carrying a wound around with her for the last 20 years.

You see, Sara spent her life either feeling invisible or trying to make herself invisible. She built a wall around her home so that people could not see her. She had stopped making an effort with her hair or wardrobe a long time ago. No longer trying to show up to the world each way, she just wanted to be invisible.

As we unpacked this dilemma Sara had uncovered it was clear that she had decided at some point that there was no point anymore. Making any kind of effort was not going to change her situation. Interestingly as we talked and explored what it would feel like to have a hair makeover and what outfit would she like to buy her demeanour changed. Sara started to feel alive and felt excited about making a change.

In conclusion, it felt like the mist was lifting around Sara’s head. The fogginess was clearing as she started to get a glimpse of how she could create change with her thinking and her life. Her energy started to feel lighter as she considered how she would feel if she made some changes. Her perspective began to change. She began to feel excited about shifting her energy and making changes to improve her life. She was ready to heal old wounds.

“Maybe you are searching
among the branches,
For what only appears
in the roots.”

Sara is not unique in trying to stay invisible. Many of us have felt like this at times in life and our career. Sometimes we self-sabotage ourselves without really being aware of how we are holding ourselves back. Taking a helicopter view of where we are at can shed a different perspective. Time to stop playing small and step into your purpose work, doing what makes you happy and fulfilled.

The year of 2022 has a focus on strengthening our physical presence by growing and developing our spiritual qualities. As we balance our mental, physical, and spiritual bodies we will create more peace, harmony, and healing within. Leading to sustained success in health, career, business, and relationships.

So, if this has triggered your thinking around what will be your next step? Consider these 3 points: -

1.????You need to commit to taking the step and act now, nobody can do the work for you

2.????Being indecisive and repeating the same cycles keeps you “stuck”

3.????Become more aware of your negative self-talk and take action to change it


Are you looking for a Mentor to kick start your 2022 then chat to Joan and see how she may help you at [email protected]


