What if your next outage could be much shorter?
Do you have network outage anxiety?
So what if your next outage could be shorter? Instead of using a monolithic router, what if your network function was software, running as a micro-service in containers over an abstracted hardware layer. Instead of troubleshooting a flooded router, you could manage its surroundings without interruptions. Building networks like this, like cloud, makes this a reality. Read more...
Cloud-native network operations is easy!
Let’s talk about actual experience of a cloud-based network model, the ins & outs and recent deployments. With?DriveNets, operators can avoid maintenance window outages, as well as reduce the amount of people required, lowering OPEX. Read more...
What’s driving interest in disaggregated cloud-native architectures?
A panel of networking experts convened on?TelecomTV?to address some of the biggest questions about disaggregated networking and its future. Disaggregated networking makes controlling huge amounts of traffic possible by providing network scalability and flexibility, faster troubleshooting, as well as the ability to manage capex and opex efficiently. Watch now...
How can today’s networks generate new revenue?
In a conversation with?Bloomberg News,?DriveNets’ CEO?Ido Susan?shared why he founded DriveNets distributed?#disaggregated?#cloudnative?solution, and how he wants to create new revenues and reduce costs for?#serviceproviders?by radically changing how?#networks?are built, by building networks like hyperscaler clouds. Watch now...