What Is Your Next Move?
Hello Monday. The headlines from the weekend are still developing and this week will prove to be interesting, and more revelations will emerge.
I remember working for a company and one of their main missions was to reward people for their good works. Over the years I have watched this company crumble into just another website to house credentials and perhaps keep in touch with friends.
While it is a bit disappointing, I think the even greater disappointment is watching leadership that was innovative and focused on making the world a better place become political, caddy, and what I view as somewhat corrupt.
When I was young........kids used to play a game called King of the Mountain. It was physical and demanding. You had to overtake the strongest or most strategic kid to attain the title of "king of the mountain." You pushed everyone off the pile of dirt/rock and took the summit. It gave you bragging rights until the next game. This could last for 10 minutes or a couple of days. To watch adults reacting in the same manner is embarrassing and they are doing in in real life.
What happened to the grand vision? What happened to putting others first instead of watching your accounts grow? When Lord Acton wrote to Bishop Creighton regarding moral standards and how they should be applied to all men, political and religious leaders included, especially since “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” (1887) I doubt he had any idea how these very words would manifest 137 years later. Here we are.
Today is a good day to do a little self-inventory and think about who we are and what we stand for. Strong character and moral values will always be cornerstones of life. They are also something money can't buy.