What is your most important asset?

What is your most important asset?

I have a question for you. What is your most valuable asset? Now some of you might answer your children, some of you might answer your iPhone. But for me my most important asset is my vibration. Let me explain why.

Our vibration is simply another way of of describing our energetic output or the feelings we share with the world. And because everything on planet Earth is nothing more than vibrating energy, we attract into our lives the people, places and things that are vibrating on the same frequency as us. This Universal phenomenon is called The Law of Attraction, and the law states that Like attracts Like!

So if the circumstances of your life aren’t how you would like them to be then you have the power to change things, by changing your vibration. If you align your vibration (or feelings) with what you desire, you will attract it – not by luck - but by law.

We live in what Albert Einstein described as an ‘Ocean of Motion’. Nothing rests. Everything on the planet is simply energy vibrating at different speeds.

Sound is vibration. Light is vibration. Matter is vibration. Thought is vibration. Emotion is vibration. In fact, I repeat… everything is Vibration. Examine the periodic table of chemical elements, which are the building blocks of matter, and vibration is the underlying characteristic of every naturally occurring element in the universe.

Your central nervous system is a communication network, built like all communication networks it’s built on vibration; likewise, your thoughts which are sent along neural pathways in the brain - are vibrational and so it follows that every single cell in your body is also vibrating. So you see the law of attraction isn’t some new age theory postulated by a bunch of tree huggers in sandals it’s a Universal Law that has its foundation in sound scientific principle based on repeated experimental observation; and every aspect of your life is constantly responding to it.

Changing your thoughts changes your feeling and changing your feelings produces an actual physical change in the construction and make-up of your cells. Bruce Lipton PhD, author of the Biology of Belief explains it like this: this new perspective of human biology does not view the body as just a mechanical device, but rather incorporates the roles of a mind and spirit. This breakthrough is fundamental in all healing because it recognises that when you change your perception or beliefs you send totally different messages to your cells, causing a reprogramming of their expression. 

Therefore it is only necessary for you to have a certain number of thoughts on a given subject in order to bring about a complete change in your physical organisation and well-being because ‘cells are programmable’.

Raising your awareness and understanding of how the law of attraction works can increase the quality of your life. So it’s essential that you embrace this fact and finally set yourself free.

That's why for me my most valuable asset is my vibration because I know it enables me to attract whomever and whatever I want into my life. See it must work... I just attracted YOU!


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