What your LinkedIn posts lack. Maximize your Impressions and make leads out of them- LinkedIn Explainer
Eric Dushime
CEO/ Chef Engineer at highl construction LCC ...ll Archicture Design ll construction ll real-estate
LinkedIn is a social platform with more that 850 million users to whom 57 millions users are business companies and every years more than 8 million upcoming businesses are rising through LinkedIn
LinkedIn receives more than 200 Million post every week but less of these posts are able to make it through a large number of impressions.
Why do most posts don’t make it on LinkedIn?
Social Platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc. that receive a large number of posts every single day develop algorithms that manage the flow of posts, and every post has what they call a lifetime, the time a post can last on before being replaced by new Upcoming posts.
Twitter has the lowest lifetime of 18 Minutes means that if you can manage to post a tweet every 20 minutes your there is no problem with Twitter
Facebook with a post lifetime of 5 hours, Instagram with 21 hours lifetime and LinkedIn of a lifetime of about 2 days, and this means if you can post on LinkedIn Like 3-4 times a week, it’s ok.
The lifetime of a social media goes hand in hand with how professional the Platform is.
Imagine if LinkedIn could have a lifetime of 18 minutes just like, would Hiring companies be able to find Employees? or?would it require for a marketing department to post their products 60 times to have their posts last live for a day?
or if a tweet could last for 2 days would there be an interaction on Twitter? No, of course. Professionalism matters more.
Why do most posts don’t make it even though they are posted regularly?
Even though you post regularly 3-4 times a week on LinkedIn and 100+ times a week on twitter, why do your posts not make it on LinkedIn?
I’ve said this before Professionalism matters on post, the reason why a LinkedIn post last for more than 2 days is not just a LinkedIn setup.
What that is contained in the post makes more contribution,
LinkedIn doesn’t view the content of your post.
They have expectations for what your post looks like, algorithms detect what the post contains by comparing what outcomes it gives and what it was expected to give.
Let’s say for example you have 1k Connections,
when you add a post LinkedIn immediately displays this post to the feed of 10% of your connections means 100 people in the first few hours(1-3).
LinkedIn algorithms learn how successful your content is in that 10% of your connections, by checking reactions, comments, reposts, watch time for videos and clicks for articles,
this interaction is what makes LinkedIn think your post is either Professional or Unprofessional and many posts die here.
Then if your post succeeds this, it is shared to between 30-40% of your connections about 400 people in the example,
Where it is reanalyzed the same way as before, 80% of posts don’t pass this and the remaining 20% are those posts you find in your feed while not connected to the Owners,
LinkedIn finds that content to be worth and shares it to people beyond your network, that's people become Influencers
?Should you care about when to post?
Yes the content of your post makes it pass different stages of evaluation,
but timing is the only tool that makes your post more than being effective and reach thousands of people, that’s how Influencers make their content
A good and meaningful content, that are posted regularly and there are posted in a good time,
your post can reach to 290 Impressions on Sunday while the same post can get 12 times more Impressions on Wednesday, think the difference.
By the analysis through Impression rates, it was found that on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday there is a higher rate of Impressions and lowest in weekend days,
LinkedIn is used by Jobseekers and providers at most, and it is mostly used in working days and working hours,
I’ve did my own research by posting 2 polls every day in Brain expansions group of over 120k members to find how many votes every time, on Monday in working hours 78 votes appeared and evening 43 votes appeared,
Tuesday 89 votes day and 56 votes by evening,
Wednesday by the day there were 112 votes and 67 votes by evening
Thursday 91 votes day and 54 votes night,
Friday 82 votes by day and 25 votes by evening,
Saturday 34 votes by day and 20 votes by evening
while Sunday had 25 votes by day and 22 votes by night.
This measure made me conclude that, people who uses LinkedIn during working days, and I'd advise you to never post after Friday or before Monday at least Monday by noon.
And the Interaction on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday proves that People are connected with jobs while Outside working hours that they are active not only in working hours but Also they are active after work.
The best times to post on LinkedIn with highest Impressions is between 10-12 O’clock on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
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