New Perspectives
How are you coping with the easing of some of the restrictions? It feels like everything has changed on many levels for a lot of us. New ways of being and living are emerging for us and it definitely feel like things have shifted into new realities. How is this materialising in your life?
Some incredible art seems to come out of diversity and these times are no different. People will look back at this crisis with stories to tell and with images that represent what it was like. What has your experience been? Has it been positive or challenging? What stories and memories do you have to share?
It would be fantastic to be able to mark these unprecedented times with memories that can remind us of where we've been and what it meant to us.
After losing my complementary health business of 20 years and not working since the end of February Its been really healing for me to explore this through the abstract self portraits I've been doing and how they've helped me change perspective and come out of it all with renewed enthusiasm and excitement of what is to come.
Through these challenging times I've been able to create a new direction and opportunities that were not available before, one being a chance to submit a proposal to Coventry City Of Culture for a mural in the City Centre.
What good has come out of all this for you?