What is your Leading Perspective?

What is your Leading Perspective?

Perspective is everything, especially when it comes to examining your own beliefs. With perception being the gateway between our external world and our internal world, WE seem to be on the lead of creating our own perspectives. It’s what we observe to be happening, or more accurately it’s how we interpret what is happening, which helps give meaning to the world around us. But that doesn’t mean we see what’s exactly there, we still make mistakes falling for our own biases.

An interesting approach on perspective is the “Soldier and Scout” mindset introduced by Julia Galef, which seems really intriguing to me, bringing in my mind connections of real business-life interactions and especially different leadership styles commonly adapted by stakeholders. Our judgement seems to be strongly influenced, unconsciously, by which ever ‘side’ we want to prevail. It shapes us in what we do, how we vote, what we stand for and the actions we take. And whilst we think we are being objective, we’re probably not. How can we accelerate our effectiveness and Leadership in a world of subjectivity , biases and "sides" we want to prevail?

Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination; on cooperation, not intimidation. — William Arthur Wood

Leadership requires inspiration and inspiration mandates trust. How can there be trust building, when there is not a solid ground for truth cultivation? If you target on being a “Motivational Leader” apart from empathy and strong team connections building, you shall cultivate objectivity and research for truth, being the same time open and bold enough to admit when making mistakes. An effective leader is not the one that always takes the “right decision” but primarily the one that is brave enough to change his mind and beliefs even by admitting that there was a mistake, or something not considered in a right / objective way.

Are you a Soldier, prone to defending your viewpoint at all costs — or a Scout, spurred by curiosity?

Julia Galef examines the motivations and drivers behind these two mindsets and how they shape the way we process and interpret information. Concluding in her theory and presentation that as a bottom line in our lives we shall all answer to ourselves the question “WHAT WE YEARN FOR”? Do we yearn to defend our own beliefs, or do we yearn to see the world as clearly as we possibly can?". I would add "or BOTH?" and are we able to step out of ourselves and monitor our own behaviour?

Motivated reasoning is the unconscious motivation that shapes how we interpret information. We think we’re being objective when we make judgements and predictions based on the information we have. But there is an argue that the motivated reasoning that we bring to play, is influenced by the mindset that we have– and we often don’t realise we’re doing it. In order to be able to distinct which side do we stand we have to be aware of these 2 mindsets and its specifications.

What are the differences behind these 2 mindsets as presented in this theory?

Soldier Mindset:

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Its part of our DNA to support the stories that we build, inclining to our tendency to support a belief already build in us, more than reconstructing it or even destroying it in order to establish a new more concrete/updated one. In this mindset mode defending beliefs, shooting down any other conflicting information and seeing alternatives as the ‘enemy’ is the key process. Soldier mindset is automatic. You don’t have to do anything to slip into it. It’s easier to jump to conclusions than it is to be deliberate and thoughtful and willing to acknowledge doubt and uncertainty.

Soldier is in a "war" where there is only "win or lose", ready to accept only win and to defend army at any possible extend. The defensiveness and tribalism are the predominant emotions that eventually deprive team’s engagement since it gradually amplifies polarization within team, depriving same time other voices and opinions to be equally heard and taken into account. It also discourages open culture and creative thinking, which are core business elements especially during challenging times where strategy should be re-evaluated. Actions relying under this mindset are more reflexive, protective, and there can be also adrenaline loaded. One imagines a soldier with a helmet: they are less vulnerable to attack if seen, but less able to see and hear well in the first place. Consequently they are building walls around them, fortifying themselves. Leaders usually believe that by strongly supporting their thesis, its a sign of their strength and demonstrates support to their team's ownership. Often they tend to overlook the benefit of incorporating on time beneficiary alternatives by expanding their scope and view. Stepping back, reframing vision and alternate strategy or tactics if needed, is a sign of bravery not a weakness and shall be further encouraged and embraced. Flexibility and inclusion are frequently deprived by the specific mindset and collaborative mindset downgrades since conflicts are not solved are just cancelled or ignored.

But if you can’t change your mind, you won’t be able to change your status quo. If you do not challenge status quo, how can you lead and drive success?

In order to master the art and science of change, we need to develop critical thinking skills and operate from the scout mindset more than we do from the soldier mindset.

Scout Mindset:

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The ‘scout’ is driven by the desire and endless intrigue to find the truth, what is real, regardless of the starting point. Feeling comfortable with ambiguity and especially with yourself is a key starting point. Being wrong is not the end of the world is just another valuable info and a greater chance to do the right thing as a next stop. Doing the right is more important than being right, in this state of mindset. Taking the heat of change calmly feeling brave enough to stand up and take all actions required, is what a Leader should strive for.

Embracing diversity and treat all associates with respect, minimizing biases creates a pure culture of collaboration where each member can actually be itself bringing in each ones added value. Feeling that Active Listening and Empathy are core values of this open culture the scout mindset is an enabler so as not be perceived “mute”. When your Leader can be wrong you feel you can be wrong as well, triggering you more to experiment out of comfort zone finding the best possible solution. This does not imply that anyone is looking for mistakes or purposely for failure but accepts that failure and mistakes are part of the process and target is to work hard so as to minimize percentage of failure and if this occurs reconcile and work harder to success better.

Team leaders interacting with other stakeholders shall be ready and prepared to face a soldier mindset and effectively manage it accordingly. How can your voice be better heard?

 Even if you try to see the world with all its facets and nuances, what do you do when you encounter a soldier who is probably on a mode to “kill” any different opinion that is not fitting their beliefs or agendas?

Maybe thinking on your own alternative open mindset way is a way to drug him into your field rather than set back.

Some thoughts on what could WORK are below:

  •   Highlight “We are not in a war”:
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Soldier has no place if war is not taking place so lets make peace first of all. Be A Partner, Not an Adversary. Most of us go into a conversation with an unconscious “war metaphor” in our heads: someone wins and someone loses. Zero sum. But that rarely convinces anyone of anything. We need to shift our goal from winning to understanding.

  •  Recall the “Unread Library effect”:
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When you encounter too much fact-based approach in a limited variety of facts reverse the spotlight into the unknown facts. Being able to identify that there is too narrow-minded approach on table, empowering all facts disregarded moves status from battering them with facts against facts to them lead themselves into doubt. So, enable discussion, let them talk, ask questions and instead of being put in the corner, let them expose their ignorance. Do not cheer when that happens, as we said scouts are not on a war and not looking for win but for truth.

  • Build “Winning Allies”:
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Create your own herd by connecting with the people around you. Creating inspiring and collaborative teams there will not be much space for narrow minded approach and team vibes will auto transit the need of each unit to be heard and develop further exploiting all available resources.

  •  Challenge their Win Option to battle:
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It is important to "drug them out of war". Using the technique of disconfirmation could be an alternative to change the mindset position. “Under what conditions could your belief be false?” Is a question that every reasonable, intellectually honest people would concede that could be wrong and will respond with a solid hint as to what angle might convince them. This could give a hint on option and in any case would drive conversation to a more fruitful outcome. Even a negative answer to this would indicate that there is a high bias in them, so would already start counting a defeat losing point of their unique TRUTH.

  • Promote Good Ideas:
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Build an open culture and build with team a climate of spending time on promoting good ideas than giving airtime to bad ideas by taking them down. Giving also larger time-slots on meeting would be beneficiary, so as to be more on an exploration mode rather that a “be brief-be bright -begone” mode.

? Make the Move first:   

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Appreciate and admit your own blind spots and accept that the things you believe in might in fact be wrong – also referred to as intellectual humility. Work with them towards the discovery since you might be both wrong.

? Be Prepared always : 

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Soldiers always shall go to wars prepared but scouts as well since nature is unpredictable! Be always prepared, is the motto of the worldwide scouting movement. Try to anticipate and be proactive instead of reactive. After all luck is what happens when opportunity meets preparation.

All above considers each one of us admitting that we preferably see ourselves belonging on the Scouts Mindset. It sounds more exciting and really intriguing. But is this the truth? Before jumping into conclusion on which mindset you yearn for, take a step back and give yourself the benefit of doubt (as a scout this is mandatory) take your own personal test. Consider the beliefs you usually argue about. Now ask yourself disconfirmation questions. Note them down and then after making your self-assessment reach out to your friends with different perspective than you on the topic. If you have zero friends with different perspectives, um, that’s not a good sign. After discussing over topics with friends take a step back and watch yourself how it spontaneously reacts in meetings or over discussions. Sometimes there might be the case you are both depending on situation with a tendency on one of those mindsets (using it more often) and that great since you can choose and cultivate it more.

Some of the ways to further enable and improve your Scouts Mindset:

 ?           Stay Curious. Being curious to understand what really is there, as opposed to seeing things through your own biases. Being a constant experimenter targeting to find solutions and truth.

?           Be the energetic role model of truth exploration. Do not be afraid to take unpopular positions and stand for them and encourage others to do so. Be able to stand and support your view and at the same time equally open to admit that if there is any indication of you being wrong to bravely embrace this option.

?           Create an environment where both innovation and enquiry are valued. Seek data, analyse and learn from information and evidence. Look out for assumptions and challenge them. Encourage yourself and others to innovate. Seek new ideas and be open to changing your mind.

?           Feel Comfortable with Ambiguity. Things constantly change and ground is not always solid. Do not be afraid to discover, embrace change when it comes and evoke it when things need to be changed, find the truth exploiting all options or create new ones and go with the flow of it. Each path you chose can be changed in the mid of its way and this is normal, this is how you will reach eventually your goal. See all endless opportunities and pursue the most impactful ones. Experimentation is growth after all and every “oops moment” shall be a new lesson that strengthen your capabilities.

After reading this interesting approach and several relevant articles during past weeks, I could not but connect once more parenting role and the importance and need of developing and nurturing a "scout mindset" in our children, especially if we want to empower and improve judgement as individuals and as societies. How much do we encourage our children to explore the world, find solutions by themselves and re-discover truth, rather than creating easily (even when not asked) ready made solutions? Being a parent is strongly connected with the creation of an educational frame, fertilizing a ground that they can further flourish, where accountability cultivation and critical thinking are strongly encouraged. It is a great opportunity when our children ask us “WHY” to ask before answering the same question once more to ourselves. “Because I say so” is not an approach that can get us further with the cultivation of Scout Mindset and for sure will not encourage our children to become autonomous counting as adults on their own power exploring the world.

This might also be the perfect timing to bring into our perspective new data to process and why not to change our own beliefs or even update them. After all, this is the only way to build trust to ourselves at first, before building trust to world and others. Making our own choices in life is critical so as to stand on our feet as adults.

  • We need to see the world how it really looks like, of course by realizing that this is our view which could be biased as well. By making this acceptance to ourselves we are closer to minimize our biases and learn how to see beyond them engaging other to do so.
  • We need to learn how to feel proud instead of ashamed when we notice we might have been wrong about something.
  • We need to learn how to feel intrigued instead of defensive when we encounter some information that contradicts our beliefs!

Change is not coming by itself. We change to achieve our goals and by achieving our goals our life is changing as well.

Do not forget!

Changing other people’s minds is extremely hard; changing your own can be even harder.

But if you’re up the task, it’s far, far more rewarding.

 P.S. Really looking forward to reading full book published Apr2021 already pre-ordered ??

If you got bored on the long above reading, just check Julia's Galef insightful short TEDx video , I am sure she will take your mindset one step further...




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