What is your ideal Career Persona?
Multi-Me Career Personas - conorlyn.ch

What is your ideal Career Persona?

You probably think I am incredibly nostalgic and sentimental, thinking and talking about my career all the time. Yes, I'm guilty of this but purely to share my journey, and where all these ideas are coming from. I want to share some of my new book as it gets into the final stages of editing. It's a phase and will pass soon as I'm normally very future-focused.

During my colourful career, I regularly jumped in at the deep end to try something new. I had no idea if I would succeed or not, but diving straight in became easier and I grew in confidence.?

After I graduated, it took me a while to get on the ‘career ladder’ and secure a marketing job. Eventually, any job would do. After I took a marketing job in a tech company, things moved a lot more smoothly. Initially, I was very unqualified for the job but I was willing to move to a regional town in Ireland to get this start in tech. Moving to the mean streets of Cavan was risky, but it paid off.?

What are the five Career Personas?

As I looked back on my career writing the Multi-Me book I could see five career personas I had experienced. So from my time looking for jobs as a ‘Seeker’, to periods of employment as a ‘Worker’, and along the way I’ve had ventures where I was a ‘Partner’, and others where I was the sole ‘Owner’. There were other times I was a side hustler, doing multiple things and this is what I call a ‘Multiplier’.?

The book goes into Career Personas in detail with a full chapter, but for now here are my five career personas with a short description:

Multi-Me Career Personas - conorlyn.ch

What is your ideal Career Persona?

In the past, I think most people experience just two of these personas: Seekers and Workers. How many have you experienced?

The lack of variety is changing now and hopefully I can help with the creation of these Career Personas.

To try out new Career Personas, run some career experiments as I wrote about recently, or talk to me about helping you make some moves.

Are you one of the 99%?

You know, the 99% of people don't have an active long-term career plan. If you are, and you would like to explore why you should have one, and how to get one, get in touch.

For example, have you considered productising some of your knowledge?

As a Career Designer, I can have a no-obligation discovery call with you if you grab a slot here - calendly.com/conorlyn_ch

Buy me a coffee?

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Or here - www.conorlyn.ch

Until next time my friend.



Song of the Week

Well, it's not exactly a song but these great clips always have a dramatic sound effect with some great lines about work by Scott Seiss.

Made famous by his rant as an aggressive IKEA employee, check out some of his other recent rants.

At this job, we're a family ... haha!

Scott Seiss


Multi-Me Career Design - conorlyn.ch

Multi-Me Career Design - conorlyn.ch


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