What are your guiding principles for this year?

2020 had bought such tremendous changes for so many of us; juggling our work and daily lives during the pandemic, coming to grips with the new realities, facing our fears and now literally moving to 2020 Won! :)

I feel reinvigorated starting the new year and can’t believe we are already a week into it! With this renewed energy, I want to challenge myself to set a vision and directions for my personal and professional space…(I’m calling it a vision and directions and not a resolution….so, think of it similar to your GPS – you have a destination i.e. vision and a map i.e. directions to get there.) 

I found that those who were better able to adapt to 2020 and its uncertainties and its opportunities, were the ones who had room for flexibility, were not rigid with their resolutions and hence could flex to the circumstances… 

With that in mind, sharing my daily guiding principles for the year, which will help me in the vision and direction setting…

  • Be Growing: I believe that my growth will be in setting boundaries and in blurring boundaries… confused? ?? Well, I’d like to set healthy boundaries to help me manage myself under stress, have a good balance of work and fun, guard my well-being…. And then I’d like to blur boundaries to stretch myself outside my comfort zone, doing something I’ve never attempted before, daring to be different…
  • Be Intentional: My schedule sometimes goes completely out of control, with too many meetings and too less focused time…. I’d like to be intentional about my priorities and direct my energies towards things that matter most to me..
  • Be Mindful: One of the realizations of last year was that health can’t be neglected… I wish to be mindful of my weaknesses, of my insecurities, of my self-sabotaging behavior; to help me break at least some of them this year!

I invite you to think of what meaningful, valuable and memorable contributions would you like to make in 2021?

‘Plant seeds every single day that you know who you are, you know what you’re about and you know what goals you’ve set for yourself’ - Stephen Curry

#FridayMusings #2020WON #BeGrowing #BeIntentional #BeMindful #Vision #GuidingPrinciples

#Zenesse #ExecutiveCoaching #ExecutivePresence #PersonalBranding

#ZenesseMusings #HumanResources

Stay safe & Keep growing!


