What Is Your Fish Story ?
whew... I once caught a fish sssooo big that...

What Is Your Fish Story ?

How Big Is Your Fish Story ?

Posted on March 9, 2018by fictionbypalmer

I caught a fish that was sssooo big… Oh the stories go on, don’t they? What is your favorite big fish story? How about this one. “Our family fished all night without catching anything, no fish, no luck, no success. Then, a man walked up to our empty boats during our morning breakfast. He asked us to go out one more time and try it again. You know, we had fished all night, but, hey, one more time, sure… He pointed to his ‘secret spot’, sure fire way to catch a boatload with our nets. So, tired as we were, we put out from shore and let down our nets. It’s a tough job, takes a lot of skill to do it right, so the nets don’t tangle, but spread out for the catch.

Well…. What do you know. First it was a gentle tug, making the floats wiggle and dip. Next, we bent over in wild shouts of excitement as, whoa, this is too much, those nets were so full that we couldn’t pull in the nets with fish. We called our family boats over, and they helped pull up the full nets with so many fish that we filled up two boats. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!”

The difference in the story is doing things in life by Jesus’ direction and blessing. I’m NOT preaching a get rich quick scheme, or telling you that following Jesus will make you rich. Choke, choke, gasp, what baloney that would be, and not of scripture. That would be a wild, non-true made up fishing story. The story above actually happened and is recorded in scripture. It’s the story of how Jesus got the attention of a fisherman named Peter, a man upon whom Jesus called out for a great ministry of fishing for men for Jesus. Read Luke 5 for the play- by- play entire story. But first, Jesus revealed who He was and the power that He held.

How about you dear friend? In your life and work, have you gone all night on your own without success? Are you tired and worn from the cares of life? We have a friend in Jesus, an anchor in the time of storm, our hope when all else fails. When we rely on Jesus, we might not catch two boatloads of fish, but He will give us the strength to endure, to use our abilities and talents given by our Lord. To not just abide in life, but abide in Jesus for an abundant life of love, joy, and peace – and fishing for others for Jesus. Come to Jesus today.

Author Terry Palmer

Hmmm, you know, I might just have a good fishing story… I once caught a fish sssooo big….

How to overcome adversity through a step of faith in Jesus Christ.


