What Your Employees Aren’t Telling You About Their Experience (Sept 2023)
Digital employee experience (DEX) is taking the IT world by storm. While we here at Nexthink have been focusing on this for years, in the past three years since the shift to remote and hybrid work, it’s become more prominent than ever before. Due to that shift, it’s become increasingly harder to monitor DEX as well. In fact, according to our recently released State of the DEX Industry Report, 69% of ITDMS agree that the growth in remote work has made their jobs harder and more complex.?
What else can we learn from this report??
We’ve all been there. Something isn’t working quite right so we quit a program and restart, or we completely reboot our computer. Anything to avoid actually asking IT, right? You don’t want to bother them, and you definitely don’t want to go out of your way to log a ticket. Sometimes, that reboot might just do the trick. However, if problems persist and it’s seemingly not a big deal, we tend to move on while there continues to be that nagging feeling of, “why can’t this just work when I need it to?” Employees are suffering in silence.??
Mundane and repetitive tasks can be draining. When completing those tasks becomes most of your day to day, you can be left feeling uninspired and unchallenged. Finding ways to reduce those tasks and use your workforce for innovation and problem solving will ultimately lead to higher employee satisfaction and productivity, helping your bottom line.?
After spending thousands, or millions, of dollars on new technology transformation projects, do you really want all that to go to waste? In Nexthink’s new report we found that the majority of ITDMs are going to trash at least one of those technologies. But do we know why those rollouts failed? Are we bound to make the same mistakes just with different technology? ?
What The State of the DEX Industry report tells us for sure is that perception is definitely different than reality when it comes to IT teams understanding the employee workforce. Download the full report today and let’s create a better digital workplace together. ?
Customer Corner?
We’re featuring ‘IT Stories from the Road’ on the DEX Hub and couldn’t miss the opportunity to share Youssef SAAD ’s story about transitioning 9,000 users over to Edge – an intimidating task that he and his team managed to complete with zero incidents. Read the full article here. ?
?? Listen to The DEX Show: Tim Flower and Thomas McGrath interviewed Adam Moore about his extensive experience in IT and the importance of?people-first IT service delivery. Let’s learn about understanding pain points and going the extra mile together. ???
?? Learn How to Assess Device Readiness for Enterprise-wide Windows 11 Migrations Using Nexthink. We’ll walk you step-by-step to make this daunting task as easy as possible. ?
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?#digitalworkplace #employeeexperience #hybridwork #peoplefirstIT #ITSM #ITservicedelivery #ITDM