What is your 'Ecosystem'?
Baber Zafar
Edtech Founder | Corporate Trainer | Language Coach | PTE, ITEP, SAT, IELTS, TOEFL, OET, SSAT specialist
Take a look around you.
Since it's a Sunday, you might be sitting at home, reading this on your computer or phone, perhaps in the company of your family members and pets.
In the preceding sentence, I have mentioned at least six ecosystems or their parts. Let's examine them a little more closely for their form and function:
Each of the items I have mentioned above is indispensable. Each one adds to our identity and function. If any one of them is stressed, or worse, malfunctions, it can quickly lead to significant loss, and a long and expensive road to recovery.
Almost everything that is sustained over time and has value, evolves into an ecosystem that can be clearly defined and identified by its form and function. From the tiniest microbes in the deepest of oceans, to our solar system and the galaxies that lay beyond it, everything falls within a system that is governed by certain mechanisms and rules that allow it to function.
However, while each of them are a discrete entity, their inter-connectivity with other systems is what generates the most meaningful impact. In fact, companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Google all bank on inter-connectivity. Out of all these, Apple stands tall when it comes to creating ecosystems where everything is seamlessly (and effortlessly) interconnected.
Drawing on these observations, I began to think if I have identified and defined the ecosystem(s) that I work within, and created the rules and mechanisms that allow me to function optimally. Additionally, instead of operating in silos for different areas of my personal and professional life, I wanted to come up with a way that allows me to govern through independent, yet connected portals. Here are a few areas that I have identified and that I am currently working on to define in terms of form, function, and the rules that they operate with:
I needed a visually efficient, hierarchical, and flexible way to manage my tasks and keep track of my calendar. It also had to be digital so I can scratch off all "offline" organizational methods.
In the image below, I categorize the resource according to its format ...
... and give it the appropriate tags
Yes, this may seem very overwhelming, and it was, at first. But now, it makes it infinitely easier to manage everything I do. A side-effect of all this granular organization is that it has reprogrammed my brain to work, and capitalize on, the chunks of information that I learn by building better connections between them. Our brain thrive on the number and quality of those connections.
In conclusion, everything around us is a collection of intricately built systems. The systems that are built on best practices for communication, hierarchy, and granularity, also work the best and produce incredible results. One of the best examples in nature of such high-productivity systems are bee colonies. They have established hierarchies and clear communication through odor and movement.
How do you manage your ecosystems?
#productivity #ecosystems #learning #taskmanagement