Kelly Hanna Master Neuro Coach Mentor Teacher Marketing Expert Author
Coach/Mentor/ Winner & Record Breaker Tony Robbins Business Mastery 2021 Helping overwhelmed business owners reach their avatars through social media, blogging and video. Culture creation, nourishment and growth.
“Sometimes when Resistance is kicking my butt (which it does, all the time), I flash on Charles Lindbergh. What symphony of Resistance must have been playing in his head when he was struggling to raise the funding for his attempt to fly across the Atlantic solo? ‘You’re too young, you’re too inexperienced; you’ve got not credentials, no credibility. Everyone who’s tried this has failed and you will, too. It can’t be done. Your plane will crash, you’re going to drown, you’re a madman who is attempting the impossible and you deserve whatever dire fate befalls you!’ What saw Lindy through? It can only be the dream. Love of the idea. How cool would it be, in 1927, to land at Le Bourget field outside Paris, having flown from New York, solo and non-stop, before anyone else had ever done it?” —Steven Pressfield |