What is your dog's name?
Thomas M. Scarda, CFE
Have you had success in your career yet seek independence and balance? Do you want control but don't know where to start? Do you seek Adventure? Make an informed choice. Life is too short. Let's have a conversation.
We are taught to go to school, get a job and be happy. We are not trained to buy a business, which is why I have a business!
I can teach you everything I know about franchising. You will be as close to a franchise expert as possible without ever having owned one. Knowledge is not power. Knowledge plus action is power. It's not very likely that you will take action and buy a franchise. Statistically, the odds are against you.
Currently, across the entire franchise industry, the stats on the number of people looking at a franchise and pulling the trigger is only 1 out of every 102. The main reason for not moving ahead is fear of the unknown in addition to complacency and not having a why.
Did you ever hear the story of the dog laying on a nail?
There were two friends, Doug and Joe, sitting on a porch on a hot summer day drinking iced tea.
Joe had his dog named Luca sitting with him.
Every once in a while, Luca would let out a yelp for apparently no reason.
Doug said to Joe, "What's wrong with Luca?"
Joe said, "Nothing at all. She is just laying on a nail."
Doug: "Why doesn't she get up and move?"
Joe: "Well, I guess it just doesn't hurt enough."
Sometimes we stop ourselves from doing something different even though what we are currently doing is uncomfortable or even frustrating. However, it's not painful enough to make a move. Some never make a move, and that is fine.
For the past 16 years, I have been helping people make a career change because they cringe at the thought of going to work in the morning, or got laid off and don't want to go back to the corporate rat race, or they are frustrated because they got passed over for another promotion. (Again - I've made the move myself and bought a franchise).
If anything like this resonates with you, I am here to have a conversation to help figure out if franchising could be a route for you or not. It may not be. And that is okay too.
The nail is different for everyone. Unless your nail hurts too much, my guess is that you will not move ahead.
It's essential to figure out why you want to own your own business. Business ownership is not easy. In fact, it may be the most challenging thing you ever do. However, the personal satisfaction you get from it is unmatched. You owe it to yourself to figure out your why and then give the dog a bone.
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