What are your COPING characteristics as a Public Speaker?
Fur Wale Keynote Speaker/Founder SHE Talks? Own The Stage?
Female Speakers Lead from Bigger Stages like TEDx + MEDIA??Top 1% Speaking & Keynote Coach | Creating Skills + Assets that Support You ? Endorsed by Hall of Fame Keynote Tim Gard ? Partnered with Vision Australia
Your Coping/attachment style greatly impacts how you show up or don't show up! And, knowing your individual coping characteristics and transforming them into a SECURE one is the most FREEING practice.
When I train individuals in Public Speaking in my SHE Talks Speakers Lab it becomes profoundly obvious what their coping style is when they first get up to deliver their talk.
...This allows me to customise my training and use the perfect strategies for disappearing their blocks to being an Unleashed & Impressive Speaker!
Disorganised/insecure people?are adults who tend to feel they don't deserve to be on the big stages in life.
- These are the Speakers that fumble with their hands, um and ahh, and ramble.
Avoidant/dismissive or reserved/shy people?are adults who become triggered when they are in unpredictable situations and feel out of their usual control especially when having to be dependent on others which causes them to feel vulnerable.
- These are the Speakers who rely on being or acting confident to conceal their anxiety and imposter syndrome.
Reserved/shy avoidant people?shut down their feelings when they feel under pressure or vulnerable.
- These are the Speakers who end up not saying what they want to say, will get lost in their heads and even cut their talk short.
Ambivalent or anxious/preoccupied people?often seek validation and reassurance and don't really take in the praise to be able to feel truly secure.
- These are the Speakers who plan to deliver a talk and delay doing it. They can make great excuses or put it off until a so-called better time of “one day”.
People with secure coping characteristics are Speakers who naturally feel confident, don't fear being on stage and get excited to deliver their message to either a large or intimate audience.
In my last Speakers Lab training, one of the participants Charmaine had
Avoidant/Dismissive characteristics that had her walk off the stage partway through her delivery whenever she felt out of control or that the coaching caused her to feel vulnerable. Charmaine would come back red-eyed but claim nothing was wrong.
I wasn't sure at first what I needed to do or if I had to let Charmaine go from the program. However, I'm not one to give up and I really wanted Charmaine to get her breakthrough so I spent my evenings deeply considering what was occurring for Charmaine.
If it hadn't been for all of the personal development I had done on myself throughout my lifetime and the programs I'd put myself through I would have missed what was going on with Charmaine.
I analysed the sequences of events to understand what led to what in order to produce the outcome. Plus, through my training of over 4,000 womxn, I have become highly proficient at identifying behavioural patterns in Speakers to best guide them.
Charmaine could not finish delivering her talk because her fear of showing up in her full authenticity with her vulnerability shut her down and had her storm off the stage.
The only other alternative that Charmaine had access to was to continue to be a Speaker who stayed on the surface sharing dry facts and figures and never sharing anything remotely vulnerable.
I was determined to not let this happen and have Charmaine disappear this block to what I could see could be a remarkably captivating Speaker.
Charmaine got her breakthrough. I was able to put Charmaine on the big stage at SHE Talks My Big Idea 'Celebrating Woman's Bright & Beautiful Minds' as the OPENING SPEAKER to which she received a STANDING OVATION (not something that often happens in Australia).
Charmaine went on to take the stage with DR DEMARTINI because of her beautifully captivating vulnerability that had been unleashed in Speakers Lab and Charmaine's talks have continued to be impressive!!
SHE Talks
Speak. Hear. Empower. Transform