What are your company's top inbound marketing priorities?
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What are your company's top inbound marketing priorities?

Watch your traffic grow. What are your company's top Inbound marketing priorities?

If you want to increase your sales on your e-commerce site, look no further than SEO.

While SEO is usually touted as a great way to increase your web traffic, it’s excellent for e-commerce, as well.

According to research by HubSpot, SEO is the #1 challenge in inbound marketing.

top inbound marketing strategy

Looking at the chart, growing your SEO/Organic presence is a top priority with an average index of about 66% from the survey. From the survey conducted, 66% of the participant believed that organic SEO is at the top inbound marketing strategy.

The better your rankings are on Google and other search engines, the more you will attract quality leads or sell.

There is more to SEO than just showing up high in the search engine result.

You also need to encourage more sales, convert your leads or prospects and turn them into paying customers in exchange for your products and services.

Purview Digital Marketing Agency Can Help You:

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Show up high for 'interested keywords' in search results

  • Drive massive amounts of traffic to your website
  • Convert more leads and automate lead in-flow
  • Drive sales for your e-commerce product 
  • And grow your sales and revenue

What are your company's top priorities? Know what works for you, what's your inbound marketing strategy?

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I will share with you some techniques to grow your SEO organic presence

  • To improve your SEO results, do keyword research that should include your competitor keywords check. Make sure you use your competitor's keyword in your product descriptions and blog content.
  • Optimize your Pages. It’s no secret that one of the keys to improving your results in Google is by optimizing each page (product or service pages) you want to rank.

Step by Step Guide on How to Optimize Your Pages

  1. Optimize your images: The simplest is to add “alt” tags to each product photo. This is a simple way to show what keywords are being represented in images on your product page. Another way to do this is to change the name of the images on your server.
  2. Use keywords in your product titles: For best results, make sure the product description and title are related. Be sure to use your most important keywords in both your product title and product description.
  3. Optimize your product descriptions with long content: Google’s ranking factors has shown again and again that Google prefers long-form content. This doesn’t just apply to your blog or content on your website, however. You can use the same techniques to boost the rankings of your e-commerce product pages. To do so, include multiple details in each description. Your goal is to hit at least 500 words. You can also add comments and other data to extend this to as much as 1,000 words. Having over 800 words on your product page description will give you an advantage over your competitors in Google’s results. Try it!
  4. Include LSI keywords: While you may think Google is only looking for the keyword you’ve included, there’s a secret kind of keyword that Google also pays attention to. These “secret keywords” are called Latent Semantic Indexing, or LSI keywords. Basically, these are keywords related to the product you have listed or for your targeted content keywords. By incorporating these LSI keywords into your page, you can get a boost in SEO.
  5. Add product or comment review schema: As an e-commerce site owner, you have an advantage that most sites don’t have. You can use Google’s built-in product or content review schema. Check it out, Google has a comprehensive guide on how to include this schema on your product page, and it’s pretty easy to understand. Schema displayed on the search result pages helps your product pages to stand apart from their competitors on the results page.
  6. Use targeted URLs: A lot of SEO success comes from small factors. One of those factors is including your targeted keyword in the URL.

That's 6 steps on how to optimize your pages for SEO and organic traffic increase. So what else are you waiting for? You should head right over to your website or product pages to start implementing what you have learnt.

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  • Include quality links. No matter how good your content is, Google values backlinks over almost everything else. So, how do you get those links? The answer is simple. You write quality content and deploy your best efforts to get as many white-hat links to those pages as possible. The answer is simple. You write quality content and deploy your best efforts to get as many white-hat links to those pages as possible.

Quality Content People Want to Link to vs Content that Complements Your products and Services.

Write quality content that people want to link to. That doesn’t mean content creation is easy, however. Relevant content creation is the most effective and most difficult SEO tactic, according to Ascend2. See 2 image above.

Quality Content that People Want to Link to. This type of article can be very popular. Since it has nothing to do with clothes, it doesn’t come across as overly promotional and can do well on social media. As you gain backlinks and social shares to this type of content, it shows Google that your site has valuable content that users find interesting. This helps your overall site ranking.

Quality Content that complements your products

The second type of content marketing for e-commerce sites to gain search-engine success is to write articles that relate to products. This content can be related directly or tangentially. Either way, they form a bridge between content that does well and earns shares and backlinks, and the products you have for sale.

Target your competitors’ sources of inbound links

For a more advanced technique to boost your SEO rank, look to your competitors. By examining where competitors get their inbound links, you can find a list of sites to approach for natural backlinks to your own content. Once you know who is linking to your competitors, you can use this information for your own benefit.

Reach out to these sites with your own content, and look to build backlinks to your site.

Coming Soon, How to Build Backlink to Your Website When Your Website is New and Have No Money.

  • Perfect Your Site Structure

Even if your product pages are perfect, you can still struggle to get high search engine rankings. To ensure that Google lists your site as best as possible, make sure your pages are in an order that makes sense.

Create a basic site architecture: A poor example of site architecture would be a website or an e-commerce site with a series of links to different products and no parent categories. There are as many ways to layout your site as there are site owners, but the important thing is to make it consistent. Create a list of categories and parent pages, designate a set of product pages under those, and maintain the structure as you add new pages.

Keep all content three or fewer clicks away from the home page

A good rule of thumb for excellent site structure is to make every page three or fewer clicks away from the homepage. This ensures that Google can find every single one of your pages as it crawls from link to link. As an added bonus, a well-designed site architecture that is easy for Google to map tends to be easy for your customers as well. The easier it is for a customer to find your product, the more you will sell.

Remove duplicate pages

One of the most common issues websites face in their SEO practices is the problem of duplicate pages. A great tool I use to find duplicate content is called Siteliner. Just type in your web address and hit Go.

  • Ensure the best user experience: No matter how SEO changes in the coming years, Google will always try to provide the best content for its users. To ensure that your content consistently ranks high in Google’s results, you need to guarantee that it provides the best value for your user. Of course, this means that you need to create high-quality content and sell high-quality products. But there are additional strategies that allow you to provide a better user experience.

If you excel in these techniques, you can guarantee a better SEO score now and as Google continues to change its algorithm in years to come. So here is the deal.

Have a fully-functional mobile site. If your site does not have a responsive, mobile-ready design, you need to add one! Mobile is particularly important for e-commerce since 67% of shoppers are more likely to make a purchase on a mobile-friendly site.

With more and more buyers and web surfers moving to mobile, your site needs to be ready. A mobile-friendly site is an advanced SEO technique that will boost your rankings. The best way to do this, of course, is to set up a fully responsive site design that is prepared for mobile. If you don’t have this luxury of a custom web developer, however, you can easily switch to a mobile-ready theme. All Shopify themes and WordPress themes are ready for mobile display.

Improve your website speed. Google is very secretive about most of its ranking factors. However, a few factors are so important that Google has explicitly stated that they determine a site’s success. Your site speed is one of those important factors. The set of tools is called Google PageSpeed. You can use them to cut down the time it takes to load your site, improve your user experience, and sell more products.

  • Include fresh and interactive content

Last but not least, you should have fresh and interactive content to continue to rank well in Google’s listings. There’s no doubt that encouraging user behavior boosts your SEO score.

Since e-commerce sites frequently have hundreds or even thousands of products, it’s unrealistic to expect frequent updates to each page. So, how is an e-commerce site owner to include fresh content on the website?

Simple. Allow customers to do it for you. Here’s how.

  1. Include customer reviews and interaction. The first and easiest way to provide engaging content on your product pages is to include customer reviews.
  2. Social media shares. Another way to have interaction on your site is to include social shares. More than likely, Google uses social proof as a way to indicate the value of your product pages. By including social share buttons on each product page, you can encourage user interaction and boost your SEO scores.
  3. Chat app Finally, you can include a chat app to guide customers through their purchases. In addition to being a great way to encourage purchases and overcome barriers to buying, a chat app indicates that your site is ready to engage with customers on a deeper level.

It's time to increase your visibility in Google.

Do you want more to make more sales on your e-commerce store? Do you desire more traffic and conversion for your landing pages? To do that, start using SEO best practices and putting real effort into your search-engine placing. It isn’t as hard as it may seem. With some careful consideration and research, you can start implementing techniques that will skyrocket your search engine traffic and allow you to sell more.

And if you need help with any of the SEO implementation, Purview Digital Agency will be here to help out. Reach out to us on 07032576291 on Whatsapp for a free SEO strategy session

Definitive Guide to Selling More on Your E-commerce site with SEO

In this guide, I’ll tell you the exact strategies I recommend for selling more on your e-commerce site with SEO.

What SEO techniques will you use to sell more on your e-commerce site?

Thank you for reading? If there is any other thing you think you should be added or removed, please feel free to drop your comment.


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