What is Your All-Time Favorite Book

What is Your All-Time Favorite Book

Today we will talk about your favorite book but the question: Is THIS Your Absolute Favorite Book of All Time??

If you want to pick your favorite books is so difficult because I could easily talk to you about recent faves.?

But I never know which favorites are gonna stick around for long enough that they become all-time favorites and the best books I've ever read.

I'm kind of afraid that if I were to read them now I might not love them as much as then so I'm also a little bit hesitant of calling them all-time favorites.??

Sometimes I give a book five stars because I loved it at the moment but it doesn't become a favorite because it just kind of fades away over time this is a list of favorite books that didn't fade away.?

If you were to ever ask me to pick one favorite book I would just die on the spot because I'd rather die and pick a favorite.

Here we recommend the 12 favorite books list of all time.

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Vicious by V. E. Schwab

this is Vicious by Victoria Schwab oh this book. so imagine this there's a book about two academic rivals' best friends who have this hypothesis that if you have a near-death experience you might develop some superpowers and of course as the absolute geniuses that these students are they try it out on themselves. which obviously leads to complications fast forward 10 years they do have superpowers but they are now each other's mortal enemies and they're doing everything to kill each other.?

that's some conflict right there the whole idea of the story is that we have a main character who really sees himself as the villain and an antagonist who sees himself as a hero. so it's kind of like flipped from what you're used to an anti-hero main character Victor who really does a lot of ethically ambiguous things and we have an antagonist with a god complex which I for some reason I really like antagonists like that there are people with special abilities kind of like x-men style which is one of my favorite types of magic systems and this book just has my favorite trope of all time which is academic rivals turned enemies and I blame watching too much naruto as a teen.?

but the thing is I have like I think I've consumed three pieces of media in my life with that trope like the academic rivals to enemies and I need more of it I need people who are always like found family enemies the lovers have chosen one I just want academic rivals to enemies like uh it just does something to me I can't explain it's so full of angst it makes me want to cry in like the best way possible if any of my gushings sounds good to you then I highly recommend this one.

2.?The Broken Earth Trilogy

The Broken Earth Trilogy: The Fifth Season, The Obelisk Gate, The Stone Sky by N. K. Jemisin

This book is the Broken Earth trilogy by N.K Jemison the first book being the fifth season I remember reading these last year like in quarantine when it was super hot in here and I could only sit on the balcony because everywhere else was way too hot and I was just reading these books and good times anyway.?

if you take sci-fi and fantasy and put them together you just get something wonderful that is this series it's a post-apocalyptic fantasy country where once every few hundred years there is something called a fifth season which is just kind of like a mini apocalypse where the land is just ravaged by natural disasters earthquakes etc and in this world there are also people with magical abilities.?

the magic system is like seismic magic so people can create earthquakes and it's very it's a very hard magic system with very scientific very specific rules it's unlike any magic system I've ever read.

3. The Fifth Season?

The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin

and in the fifth season you follow three female perspectives and how they're kind of dealing with this new fifth season that is coming and how they are learning to use their magic the thing about this book is that it's like one big mystery just the moment you start reading you're just like what is going on I don't understand this why are there flying gems in the sky why are what are these rock people why are there these bottomless pits that just seem to go to the center of the earth what the heck is going on here.?

what I really like about this book is that it is super theme-heavy it very heavily deals with themes of oppression discrimination rewriting history motherhood is beautifully woven into this adventure story?

I would say that this book is absolutely something for you if you like sci-fi fantasy crossover and if you like stories that are just kind of like one big mystery where just slowly things unfold also if you really like unique world-building and magic systems I will say that one of the perspectives in this book is in second person?

so instead of I or he, it is you did this you saw this and I know that for a lot of people that can be a real deal-breaker personally, I got used to it pretty easily so I wouldn't be too intimidated by it definitely give it a try but I do know that for some people that can really be a reason to just not get through this series so just a heads up but other than that I need ever, I need everyone to read these books okay.?

4.?The Hunger Games?

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

the first one is of course The Hunger Games by Susan Collins. I need to put on my Hunger Games defense hats I am personally on the Hunger Games defense squad I will defend this book until my death and tell you about how fantastic it is I will fight everyone who thinks that this is just a shallow silly teen book that's only popular because teen girls like it.?

The Hunger Games are genuinely good political commentary not only is it a critique of the horrors and childishness of war it is also a critique of how the people in power the capital in this case will pit oppressed people against each other to divert the attention from like the real oppressor and no not just because they literally have to fight each other to the death in the hunger games.?

The Hunger Games books are filled with more subtle but super-accurate little details that allude to this thing of how the people are kept from standing up against the capital but instead just hate on each other I mean the climax of the story is literally Katniss refusing to let the capital put her and Peta up against each other because she knows she knows that the capital doesn't want the people watching to realize that they are the real bad guys after all okay candace Everdeen was gaining class consciousness in 2008 and we are not talking about it.?

but that's not all not only is The Hunger Games a genuine good critique of political stuff as good dystopian is it is also a perfect representation of how dystopian society feels about teenagers' constant feeling of being perceived as having to think about who you are and how you want to present yourself to the world anti-authoritarian themes it perfectly fits puberty just because something appeals to the teenage experience doesn't make it less meaningful you just don't understand it because you're 31 years old hank I think that's enough of me ranting about the hunger games.


Angelfall by Susan Ee?

okay let's move on to another quick old favorite of mine that I want to give some special attention and that is Angel Fall by Susan e just another one of those dystopian that I read back in the day but this one was just it just hit a different and no not because the apocalyptic element of it was just hot angels attacking the earth it was snarkier it subverted a lot of common dystopian tropes that I'd seen so far.?

the main character was not a chosen one it had horror and gore elements in a way that I haven't seen in any other ya dystopian and I really liked that I found out that that's kind of a thing I feel like there's some butterfly effect going on that started with me reading angel fall at 15 years old and has now ended in me loving the ninth house at 22 years old as something happened there.

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