What Is Your Aging Score?

Scan or read in detail this article “Is Your Body Aging Faster That You?” Just check in with yourself and an on a scale of 1-10 give yourself a score You don’t need to tell anyone. This is for you.

Here is the link to the article https://www.rd.com/health/wellness/signs-body-is-aging-faster-than-you/

A major benefit of the bio electric energy device I represent is anti-aging.Also it is a major part of helping our bodies prevent sickness and disease. Let’s say you are at 8 or above meaning you feel you are doing quite well. So you conclude the device is not something you need. Consider how rapidly the world is bombarding us with harmful influences like toxins, chemicals, commercially processed food with minimal nutrition value and a coupled big ones increasing levels of EMF radiation (cell phones, cell tower, smart boxes) and increasing levels of stress. All of these and more are a source of impaired cellular reproduction – premature aging, sickness and disease.

Take a few minutes and take a look at the device. It is fantastic for health, anti-aging, detox, healing, recovery and much more.

The number one benefit of is a very positive influence on our circulatory systems and electrical systems . When combined with a healthy lifestyle the results are incredible.

To learn more this 2 min video https://youtu.be/R2i4Ww-7Bs4 shows you what this looks like and the primary way it is used. At this link you can learn more about what it does https://bit.ly/2Kk0mNl. At the end there is a presentation and testimonials by doctors including several functional medicine professionals

I am very happy to discuss this with you. Text me to schedule a time to talk.

Steve Pohlit


[email protected]


