What Are You Working On, Now?
One of the most commonly-asked questions I hear from candidates I contact is "What are your current assignments?" Here is a short list of recent completed placements that I have put together to provide a clear and hopefully thorough response.
?????????????????????????????Recent Placements by Nicholas Meyler
????????????????(IF you have hard-to-fill technical positions and would like
expert help, please contact me!)
Director of MEMS Process Integration: Semiconductor Test-Probe Cards
Director of Active Product Management: Flexible Circuits
Metrology Scientists: Lab-grown Diamonds
Director of Product Engineering: Semiconductor Test-Probe Cards
Fluoropolymer Sales Manager: Fluoropolymer Manufacturer
MEMS Photolithography Engineer: Test-Probe Cards
Electrical Engineer: Testing and Characterization: Electronic Chemicals Manufacturer
Electroplating Process Engineer:?3D-Printing/ MEMS Manufacturer
Equipment Manager: Synthetic Diamond Manufacturer
Flexible Circuits Applications Engineer: Electronic Chemicals Manufacturer
Global Growth Leader: Electronic Chemicals Manufacturer
Lab Leader for Electronics and Imaging: Electronic Chemicals Manufacturer
Laser-Cutting Scientist/Engineer: Synthetic Diamond Manufacturer
Lead Electrochemical Cell Development Engineer:?Low-Temperature PEMFC Electrolysis
Material Development Scientist: Titanium Anodization
Mechanical Equipment Engineer: Synthetic Diamond Manufacturer
Principal Scientist: Mitochondrial Age-Reversal Therapy
Research and Development Process Engineer: Synthetic Diamond Manufacturer
Senior Director of MEMS Process Engineering: Semiconductor Test-Probe Cards
Senior Electrochemical Engineer: Low-Temperature PEMFC Electrolysis
Senior Manufacturing Engineer: Connector Products Manufacturer
Senior Principal Process Engineer: Semiconductor Test-Probe Cards
Technical Fellow, Titanium Powder Development: Capacitor Manufacturer
Vice-President, Materials: Manufacturer of 3D-Printer for Metals
My Fields of Expertise:
3D-Printing, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Blockchain, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology (Drug Discovery, Cell Culture, Assays), Chemistry (Inorganic, Organic, Synthetic, Polymer, Biochemistry), CMOS Image Sensors, Controls, Cryptocurrency, Crystals, Data Science, Deposition (ALD, MBE, PECVD), Electrochemistry, Electroplating, Hardware, Semiconductors, Instrumentation, Software (C, C++, C#, Python), Laser Cutting, Laser Sintering, LEDs, 3D-Imaging, Machine Learning, Machine Vision, Materials, Mechanical Science/Engineering, MEMS (Sensors, Gyros, Micromirrors, Cantilevers), Metallurgy (Casting, Powder Metallurgy, Stress/Strain), Nanotechnology (Nanotubes, Nanospheres, Metrology, Microscopy, Nano-powders), Plasma CFD and Processes,?Process Engineering, Process Integration, Robotics, Security, Solar Energy, Virtual Reality, etc.
CONTACT: [email protected]; Ph (818)597-3200 ext. 211