What Are You Waiting For?
If you've EVER thought of building a powerful #workfromanywhere business, the time is now.
There really aren’t anymore excuses.
We have the tech:
- way better cameras on phones
- free professional audio recording software
- affordable and excellent home studio lighting
- robust website builders
- free email marketing
- cloud based storage
- vastly improved wifi
- very affordable LMS (learning management system)
- free video hosting
- and more!
In our little production studio in Portland, Oregon, I spent A LOT of time working with “rising thought leaders”. I helped make A LOT of them very successful and very rich by teaching them how to use everything I just listed above. But more importantly, I used my decades of professional writing experience to transform each of them into powerful storytellers.
Why Is Storytelling So Important?
Human beings are storytelling creatures. It’s how we educate, earn trust, share secrets, build rapport and make lasting connections. In this day and age, having robust storytelling skills is a must. I intend to use LinkedIn as a portal for passing along the wisdom and knowledge that I’ve amassed, because I want you to be successful, too.
Why Help?
In the spring of 2018, I was diagnosed with primary progressive multiple sclerosis, a degenerate disease with no cure and no hope for remission. MS is slowly trying to cripple me. But I’ve still got a lot of work to do.
I now spend the vast majority of my time helping others. I simply know too much to NOT be a part of the solution. The solution? Well… what is the problem?
The Real Problem
The problem is we are all slaves to a paycheck. For far too long, the only people who could start companies and make money were people who were already wealthy and influential.
I think we can all agree the world has drastically changed. So why aren’t we all doing this? Why isn’t everyone gradually taking big, big strides to break free from the chains of large corporations?
That’s right. Fear.
Fear is a success killer. I should know.
For far too long, I let fear keep me chained to a paycheck that was just big enough to make me stay, and just small enough to make sure I couldn't leave. This was all by design. It’s the real American Dream, to lord over working class people who get none of the credit and very little of the profit. This has to stop.
Free Your Mind
For now, go check out my website at trulyfearlesslife.com because I want to work with you. If you’re ready to get serious about breaking free and earning the money you know you are worth, I’m always here. In fact, you can always shoot me a text at ?(646) 481-1405?. I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.
If you’re just getting your feet wet, stick around. I’ve got so much to share.
Ted Fauster
CEO & Founder | Truly Fearless Life
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