What are you waiting for?
At the top of Mount Errigal, Donegal

What are you waiting for?

Two weeks ago, I returned to Ireland for the first time in more than ten years.?

I moved to Australia from the UK in my mid 20's and to the Netherlands two years ago and so visiting mum's side of the family in Ireland had always fallen low on my life-priority list.?

It was time for that to change. ?

Ireland had been a place that evoked mixed emotions in me (that was until this trip).

On one hand, I have fond memories of spending time with my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins there as a child.?

Exploring empty beaches, rock climbing and endless adventuring.

On the other hand, it’s a place of deep sadness and loss - where I’ve lost many family members; including my grandparents and more recently, my younger cousin Jamie, who died suddenly at just 23 years old.

Recently, for the first time, I came face to face with the grief of my dear aunt, who has lost a child so prematurely.?

I couldn’t bear to comprehend her devastation, pain and loss.?

I read a poem at his grave; we cried; grieving the loss of everything he was and everything he could havebeen should his life have been longer.?

Through the lens of my aunt and with the apparent armageddon we are facing in the world currently, I've noticed a shift in my perspective.?

(Seriously though, doesn't it feel like humans have reached new heights in their mercilessness?)

However morbid as it may seem to talk about death; aren't we all just so damn lucky to be alive?

Why don't we live as though we are?

"While we wait for life, life passes." Seneca

We live life as if it will go on forever, postponing our happiness until something external happens, for example the promotion; the status; the house; the person.??

We are constantly waiting until the thing before we give ourselves permission to actually live our lives, be present and follow our heart's desires.?

When we should really be living like we’re on borrowed time; since we are - it’s actually a miracle that we’re here at all.

What would you do if you truly embodied this message?

I know what I would do..?

I would stop caring what other people thought and really go after my dreams.?

I would take onus away from external pressures and focus on making a positive impact.?

I would worry less about acquisition of things and focus more on acquisition of learnings.

I would spend more time with the people I care most about and less time being busy for the sake of being busy.? ?

I would build my work around my life, rather than my life around work.?

For me, this would look like living somewhere warm and close to nature.?

What would this look like for you?

I would say no to more things that are not aligned for me, to free up time for more things that are.?

I would be grateful every day for what I have; making conscious effort to make space for a gratitude practice.?

You see, with the craziness of life - we forget that our time is precious, that our time could be up at any point.

We forget that the only thing we can control, is our character, our actions, our reactions and the choices we make.?

If this is you, what are you waiting for in order to fully live life?

Where are you outsourcing your power?

Where are you not living in alignment with what your heart really desires?

I’m done living life according to someone else’s rule book ??

How about you?

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